
A simple dependency-free python script for generating json in bash

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


json encode tool (je for short)

A simple dependency-free python script for generating json in bash


je [-l|-d] [value1] [value2] ...

-l | --list or -a | --array for list mode 
-d | --dict or -o | --object for object mode


If you mess with tools like curl and salt via the command line, you've no doubt had to deal with wrangling input into acceptable json strings while also dealing with the complexity of bash literals.

No more.

Use je.

  1. Install it to somewhere in your $PATH. These steps will work on most systems as root

    curl -o je https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jealouscloud/je-tool/main/je.py
    chmod 755 je # set 'executable' bit on the script
    mv je /usr/local/bin/ # as root

    If you are a user you may need to adopt to your system specific configuration by checking your $PATH and adding a directory if there is not one present

  2. Use it

    root@server:~# je 1 2 3
    [1, 2, 3]
    root@server:~# je key=value keys=values
    {"key": "value", "keys": "values"}

    Marshall into string:

    root@master:~# je version=1.0
    {"version": 1.0}
    root@master:~# je version=\"1.0\"
    {"version": "1.0"}
  3. Chain it

    • Notes:
      • Nesting " marks to prevent line splitting in bash is surprisingly supported
      • jq is used to prettify output
    root@server:~# je config="$(je -d version=1.0 dependencies="$(je -l python json.decode)")" | jq
    "config": {
        "version": 1,
        "dependencies": [
  4. Become wizard

    curl -d "$(je "$(je "$(je "$(je ...

    Be warned there is no turning back from this point.