
Fun 2D game designed and built into Go for my daughter (ma fille). Learn to think to move fast and deal with challenges to reach goals.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


This is a small 2D game I designed and built for my daugther (ma fille). Learn to think to move fast and deal with challenges to reach goals. Even as the father I am still having fun at it. So defintively it is for all ages. This help use the keyboard direction keys and gamepad keys. Move around a scene to collect (eat) foods (vegetables - fruits - lives - donuts). You will learn in english and in french the name of common fruits and vegetables. At the same time develop strategy to escape traps and enemies. Just Go & Eat For Fun :)

overview of GoEats

Features / Goals

  • use computer keyboard arrow keys to move up/down left/right

  • use gamepad direction keys to move up/down left/right

  • auto move each food on the scene after 30 seconds

  • show circle around the walker to better eat the food

  • display number of foods (fruits, veggies, donuts) & life eaten

  • make different noise when food eaten or life collected

  • make different noise when walker reaches another level

  • configurable game screen size with environment variables

  • add ball-based enemy at each 3rd level and increase their speed

  • display menu to choose the walker (boy or girl) and language

  • view in real-time the exact coordinates of your position

  • move enemies around the scene and place traps around foods


view the demo on my youtube channel. click here


get the zip file and unzip. Then launch the executable and start go & eat :)

Please check later on releases page


Please check & read the license details


Feel free to reach out to me before any action. Feel free to connect on Twitter or linkedin