
Primary LanguageC#Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0


A smart Air Force Range employments control software with end-to-end encryption.



Barrica allows you to register air force air-to-surface employments on a datasheet, presenting results in realtime and allowing users to transfer encrypted data through QR Code. This method spares the use of flashdrives on the computer, keeping the data end-to-end protected. The encryption is a symetrical key, only known by the operator and the weapons officer.

Barrica provides the location of impact relative to the center of the target, based on the information of two theodolites. Information is provided both in direction and distance, and in range and deflection.

Employments are saved in unencrypted csv files, easily arrangeable. Ranges are configurable, and all the information is stored offline.


  • Air-to-surface employment registry
  • Data transfer through QR Code.
  • Symetrical end-to-end encryption.
  • Customizable ranges.
  • Direction and distance of weapon impacts.
  • Range and deflection of weapon impacts.
  • Completely offline.

