
Implementation of a universal machine.

Primary LanguageHaskellMIT LicenseMIT

Universal machine

Turing machine simulation.


  1. Haskell Stack
  2. git optional

Download the source files

Without git: Donwload and extract the repository

With git: $ git clone https://github.com/jean-lopes/universal-machine.git

Build & Install

$ cd universal-machine
$ stack setup
$ stack build
$ stack install

Windows: By default the executable will be located in the following directory:



$ universal-machine (-h|--help)

$ universal-machine (-t|--tape STRING) (-m|--machine FILE)

FILE is the path to the file with the machine data

Machine DSL

You can use comments and whitespace anywhere in the machine data file. Commentaries:

  1. // single-line comment
  2. /* to open commentary block
  3. */ to close commentary block
symbol ::= char

blank ::= symbol

input_symbol ::= symbol

output_symbol ::= symbol

alphabet ::= string

shift ::= L|R

state ::= (letter|_)(alphaNum|_)*

current_state ::= state

new_state ::= state

states ::= {state(, states)*}

initial_state ::= state

final_states ::= states

transition ::= (current_state, input_symbol, output_symbol, shift, new_state)

transitions ::= {transition(, transition)*}

machine ::= M = (states, alphabet, blank, transitions, initial_state, final_states)

Node: this is a minimal and informal DSL

Machine data example

/* this is a block commentary */
M =
    {q0, q1, q2}
    , "01b"
    , 'b'
    , { (q0, '0', '1', R, q1)
      , (q1, '0', '1', R, q1)
      , (q1, '1', '0', R, q1)
      , (q1, 'b', 'b', L, q2) }
    //initial state
    , q0
    //final states
    , {q2}

Usage example

$ cd universal-machine
$ universal-machine -t "01" -m machine-examples\example.machine

State: q0
| 0 | 1 | b |

State: q1
| 1 | 1 | b |

State: q1
| 1 | 0 | b |

State: q2
| 1 | 0 | b |