
Converts a series of CSV files generated by the Optris PIX tool to a GIF file for easier visualization

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Convert CSV files generated by OPTRIS PIX tool to a GIF file.


This assumes you have libirimager installed, if not, see: http://documentation.evocortex.com/libirimager2/html/index.html


Configure the following parameters in gif_maker.sh

  • exp_path - where are the csv files located

  • frequency - what was the time difference between each CSV snapshot

  • mkdir build && cd build

  • cmake .. && make

  • to change the palette type or min/max temperatures refer to the image_builder.cpp file.


  • chmod u+x gif_maker.sh
  • ./gif_maker.sh


In the exp_path folder, three sub-folders will be generated

  • data where all the csv files will be moved to
  • ppm the generated ppm images from the image_builder executable
  • png where the converted and fixed ppm files will be placed

The output GIF file can be found in png/10/out.gif