AR Pokemon-War

This is a final project for class 2016 CS3570 at National Tsing Hua University.


This is a Pokemon War game. Two players can place their character markers at arbitrary positions in reality, where corresponding 3D pokemon figure will show up inside the camera view and face each other automatically.

Additionally, players can place attack and/or defence markers within the camera view to trigger those moves.

Each character has a life bar, showing their remaining life value. After receiving attacks from their component, their life value will decrease, and eventually die and lose the game if first reach the zero value.

How to play

Download or clone the project and open with Unity.
Place the marker in front of your camera, you can print the marker from : this folder

Marker types and effect:
  • Square marker: show character
  • Barcode marker: attack animation
  • Multi-square marker: background


ARtoolkit, Unity, C#

Demo & ScreenShot



101062129 劉淨
102062136 劉臨軒
102070028 周欣融