
Unofficial Scala based sdk for the EVRYTHNG Cloud.

Primary LanguageScala

Evrythng Scala SDK

This is Evrythng Scala SDK: An unofficial Scala library for the EVRYTHNG API.

Its features include

  • Case Classes for the EVRYTHNG model, built with spray-json.
  • Low level asynchronous REST http wrapper.
  • Higher level API browsing dsl.
  • Abstraction on http client, and ready-to-use adapters for Apache HttpComponents and Play Framework WS Api


Evrythng Scala SDK gives and structures access to the resources available on the EVRYTHNG IoT Platform. It allows a type safe interaction with the EVRYTHNG model, and an easy integration within Scala projects.

For a comprehensive documentation of the EVRYTHNG Api, its Resources and corresponding REST endpoints, please refer to the official EVRYTHNG Developer Hub.

Library dependency

Import Evrythng Scala SDK into your project with Maven or sbt.

For Maven:


For Sbt:

libraryDependencies += "com.github.jeanadrien" %% "evrythng-scala-sdk" % "0.1.0"

Don't forget to add the selected http-client implementation, as well as a logger implementation. E.g. to use Play WS:

libraryDependencies += "ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % "1.1.7"
libraryDependencies += "com.typesafe.play" %% "play-ws" % "2.5.14"

Note: The library is currently only available for Scala 2.11.


The entry point of the sdk is the Environment object. It provides the basic REST request methods. All model classes are available in the com.github.jeanadrien.evrythng.scala.json package.

Make an http REST request

The simplest way to use the sdk is to use the REST method directly on your Authenticated environment object.

The get put post and delete methods takes the expected json type as a type parameter, the target endpoint and if applicable an input as function parameter.

They return a EvtRequest which can then be manipulated e.g. to add query parameter. Then call the exec function to obtain a Future on its execution.

Note that you can use the model provided in the json pacakge as well as the spray JsValue class.

Here is an example using an Operator API key. You can create your own account and get your Operation API key via the EVRYTHNG Dashboard

import com.github.jeanadrien.evrythng.scala.rest.Environment
import com.github.jeanadrien.evrythng.scala.json._
import EvtJsonProtocol._

import scala.concurrent._
import ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.util.{Success, Failure}

val env = Environment.operatorApi("MY-OPERATOR-API-KEY")

// Create and read a Thng
(for {
    create <- env.post[Thng, Thng]("/thngs", Thng(
                  name = Some("This is a test")
    read <- env.get[Thng](s"/thngs/${create.id.get.id}").exec
} yield read) onComplete {
    case Success(t) =>
        println(s"Loaded Thng '${t}'")
    case Failure(error) =>
        println(s"Got error: ${error}")    

Structured API

Instead of building the endpoint urls and possibly provides wrong json Type, you can use the structured API which builds the EvtRequest with the correct url type parameters. Each endpoints can be constructed by a natural method chaining, following the API endpoint structure.

  • E.g. to access /thngs/<id>/properties
env.thng(Ref("Uk7h9Qb2BgPw9pwRwgcAhqDq")).properties.list.exec onComplete {
    case Success(t) =>
        println(s"Loaded ${t.items}")
    case Failure(error) =>
        println(s"Cannot load thng properties: ${error}")    
  • Create a product scan action /products/<id>/actions/scans
env.product(Ref("Uk7FRRBwBgsaQpRaRYHQ2Akn")).actions("scans").create(Action()).exec onComplete {
    case Success(a) =>
        println(s"Created ${a}")
    case Failure(error) =>
        println(s"Cannot create action: ${error}")    

The Structured API logic is:

  • The resource API is accessible by chaining the function named as the path elements of the resource
  • The resource API provides the http methods for CRUD operations: create, read, update and delete.
  • Additionally to support the pagination a list operation returns a EvtRequest to iterate through pages (see example here below)


When a GET requests returns a Json array. The EVRYTHNG Api limits the amount of results and provides the next page link into the Link http header.

The list method of the Structured API provides a Page object which encapsulates both the results and the possible next page link. Simply pass the page to the nextPage method on your Environment to get the next results:

(for {
  page1 <- env.thngs.list.perPage(2).exec
  page2 <- env.nextPage(page1).get.exec
} yield (page1, page2)) onComplete { case Success((page1, page2)) =>
        println(s"Page one contains ${page1.items}. Page two contains ${page2.items}")
    case Failure(error) =>
        println(s"Cannot list thngs: ${error}") 

Http client implementation

By default the Evrythng Scala SDK uses the Play WS API as an http clients. It expects the corresponding jar to be available at runtime.

If you wish to use an alternative implementation, inject the implementation class name in the property sdk.httpClient. You can use any other http client as long as it implements the trait com.github.jeanadrien.evrythng.scala.rest.HttpRestClient

E.g. if you want to use the packaged Apache Http Components adapter:

$ sbt -Dsdk.httpClient="com.github.jeanadrien.evrythng.scala.httpclient.ApacheHttpClient"

More examples

More examples can be found in the tests code.

Also the Scala REPL tool and its autocompletion feature are useful to interact with the Evryhtng API using the sdk:

$ sbt console

scala> import com.github.jeanadrien.evrythng.scala.rest._
import com.github.jeanadrien.evrythng.scala.rest._

scala> import com.github.jeanadrien.evrythng.scala.json._
import com.github.jeanadrien.evrythng.scala.json._

scala> val operator = Environment.operatorApi("MY-OPERATOR-API-KEY")
operator: com.github.jeanadrien.evrythng.scala.rest.OperatorContext = com.github.jeanadrien.evrythng.scala.rest.OperatorContext@22daf48c

scala> operator.thngs.read(Ref("Uk7h9Qb2BgPw9pwRwgcAhqDq")).exec.onSuccess { case thng => println(thng) }
Thng(Some(This is a test),None,None,None,None,Some(Map()),None,None,None,Some(Uk7h9Qb2BgPw9pwRwgcAhqDq),Some(1490550552982),Some(1490550552982))


All suggestions, contributions and questions are welcome via any channel, including Gitter. Feature requests to support particular use cases are also welcome.

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Apache License, Version 2.0

See LICENSE-2.0.txt.