
Project designed to investigate possible connection issues while working on Nest cloud to cloud integration.

Setup the right version of Node.js

  • Nest-connections-test requires a version of node.js from the v4.2.x family.


$ npm install


You must provide a path to valid json config file to run test:

$ node index.js --config path-to-config

Provided config must have next structure:

    "masterToken": "...",
    "userTokens" : ["...", "...", ..., "..."]


  • masterToken - firebase access token that used to update device property (must have write access to property)
  • userTokens - array of firebase access tokens connected to the same firebase model as adminToken

You can also use some additional arguments:

Argument name Description Default value
mode Approach to receive updates, possible values are ws (WebServices), rs (REST Streaming), full (both rs and ws) ws
testInterval Interval between two sequential tests, sec 60
checkInterval Interval between two sequential checks that update received, ms 500
checkTimes Maximum number of checks that update received before considering it's lost 60


$ node index.js --config path-to-config --testInterval 60 --checkInterval 500 --checkTimes 60 --mode full