A resizer tool to automaticaly resize png files and 9 patches in several densities (previously hosted on https://code.google.com/p/9patch-resizer/)
To get the latest build (.jar or .exe file), check the release page on the github project: https://github.com/redwarp/9-Patch-Resizer/releases
The .exe file is just a wrapper around the executable .jar file, use it if you don't feel comfortable with a java archive ^_^
Let's face it : juggling with densities for Android is a bit of a pain, especially when dealing with 9 patch png.
And then comes this tool, that takes a xhdpi PNG file, or 9.png file, and generates ldpi, mdpi and hdpi png files automatically.
As simple as drag and drop can get.
And here is the changelog
Current version : 1.3.2
You're using 9patch resizer for your apps ? Don't hesitate and leave me a message!
- Images and stuff found on http://www.clker.com/ (The online royalty free public domain clip art)
- Images are downsized using an optimized incremental scaling algorithm proposed by Chris Campbell (whoever that is) - http://today.java.net/pub/a/today/2007/04/03/perils-of-image-getscaledinstance.html
- Command line support
- A few optimisations
- Options to set the input density (if people wan't to downsize from hdpi and not from xdpi for instance)
If for some weird reasons, some of your PNG files aren't resized properly, don't hesitate to send them to me, so that I can investigate !
I hope it'll prove as useful to you as it is useful to me. If you like it, and have too much cash in you hands, don't hesitate to donate : I could use a few beers.