
🔥 A react UI component library

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Matchbox is an open source React component library, built for SparkPost's UI.

Build Status Coverage Status



1. Installation

In your React project, use npm to install matchbox:

npm install @sparkpost/matchbox --save

2. Include Styles

 // Import matchbox's styles
 @import '~@sparkpost/matchbox/styles.scss';
 // Optionally include config.scss for sass functions and mixins
 @import '~@sparkpost/matchbox/src/styles/config.scss';

3. Use the React components

In-depth usage docs coming in the future. For now, reference storybook.

import React from ‘react’;
import { Panel } from '@sparkpost/matchbox';

const YourComponent = () => (
 <Panel accent title='Hey!'>
    Section Content

Storybook Development

React Storybook is included for local development.

# Runs storybook at localhost:9001
npm run start:storybook

Running Tests

Unit Testing

When running tests for the first time locally:

npm run pretest

After the initial setup, tests can be run at any time via:

npm run test:unit

End to End Testing

End to end tests can be run locally, either in headless mode or with a GUI.

First, run storybook with a local server:

npm run start:storybook

Then, either run Cypress in headless mode:

npm run test:e2e:headless

Or, run Cypress with the GUI

npm run test:e2e:gui


# First merge your PR into master
# Move into the package you want to publish
cd packages/matchbox

# Bump version number
npm version x.x.x

# Commit the release
git add .
git commit -m "Publish @sparkpost/matchbox x.x.x"
git push

# Run the build and publish to NPM with your 2fa code
npm run build
npm publish --otp=xxxxxx