
OpenFlexo http services

Primary LanguageJava

OpenFlexo HTTP project

This project adds to OpenFlexo HTTP capabilities. It includes:

  • an HTTP server which is able to serve:
    • all resources and specific API for each technology adapter and
    • FML models as dynamic APIs.
  • an HTTP technology adapter to connect to HTTP services via ReST or XML-RPC APIs,

HTTP Server

The HTTP server is a service that starts an HTTP server (based on Vert.x) with 2 distinct capabilities:

  • serving all accessible resources and technology adapter specific models: the federation server.
  • serving API described using FML model acting as contracts: the chameleon server.

Federation server

This part of the OpenFlexo HTTP server is defined by the OpenFlexo community and provides a ReST API to access to resources and technology adapter specific models.



  • Resources
  • Connie service using WebSockets
  • Technology adapters:
    • FML and FML@RT
    • Gina
    • Diana
    • ...

Chameleon server

The chameleon server allows an OpenFlexo user create an HTTP API by defining a contract using FML.


Not started yet.

HTTP Technology Adapter

The HTTP technology adapter provides the capability to connect a distant HTTP API and access it throught VirtualModel and FlexoConcept instances. An HTTP model slot is configured with a VirtualModel acting as a contract where abstract properties, HTTP properties and HTTP behaviours are resolve using HTTP connections.


  • HTTP ModelSlot
  • Simple abstract properties
  • Behaviours to retreive instances
  • Properties to retreive instances
  • Several response format:
    • JSON
    •  XML
  •  HTTP Methods
    • GET
    • POST
    •  PUT
    • DELETE

And more