
An application for searching, matching, uploading factories.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Open Apparel Registry

The Open Apparel Registry (OAR) is a tool to identify every apparel facility worldwide.


  • Vagrant 2.1+
  • VirtualBox 5.0+
  • AWS CLI 1.1+
  • IAM credentials (for artifacts, secrets, etc)


First, configure a local AWS profile with access to an S3 bucket with files containing project specific environment variables:

$ aws configure --profile open-apparel-registry
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY
Default region name [None]: us-east-1
Default output format [None]:

Next, use setup to bring up the development environment:

$ ./scripts/setup

setup will provision a Vagrant VM, using vboxsf to mount ./ (relative to Vagrantfile) to /vagrant, as well as ~/.aws to /home/vagrant/.aws, and execute update.

After running setup, you can access the VM by running:

$ vagrant ssh


To start the application, run:

# Access the VM console
$ vagrant ssh

# Start the application
vagrant@vagrant:/vagrant$ ./scripts/server

Legacy API

The legacy API is included in this repository. It uses Restify, a NodeJS framework, and MongoDB with ElasticSearch.

To start this version of OAR, first, bootstrap the database:

# Access the VM console
$ vagrant ssh

# Import database dumps from Sourcemap and run ElasticSearch indexing
vagrant@vagrant:/vagrant$ export OAR_SETTINGS_BUCKET=openapparelregistry-development-config-us-east-1
vagrant@vagrant:/vagrant$ ./scripts/bootstrap --restify

Next, run:

# Start the application
vagrant@vagrant:/vagrant$ ./scripts/server --restify

There is a separate docker-compose.restify.yml file that contains the legacy Docker Compose services.

The NodeJS backend uses Nodemon to monitor for any source code changes and will automatically restart.

Hot Reloading 🔥

Because the frontend uses Create React App, which integrates with webpack, the page will automatically reload if you make changes to the code.

In development, the Django app sits behind a Gunicorn worker that is passed the --reload flag.


Service Port
React development server 6543
Gunicorn for Django app 8081
Restify development server 8000


Name Description
bootstrap Pull .env files from S3
generate_fixed_dumps Import database dumps from Sourcemap, run create_master_account_api_key.js, and export new database dumps
infra Plan and apply remote infrastructure changes
server Run docker-compose.yml services
setup Provision Vagrant VM and run update
test Run tests
update Builds and pulls container images using docker-compose
src/restify/scripts/create_master_account_api_key.js Generate a new API key associated with the UID defined by MASTER_ACCOUNT (in .env.backend) and print it in the console
src/restify/scripts/synchronize.js Index existing Factory, Address, and Geo MongoDB collections for ElasticSearch (with .synchronize())