
Nodes to retrieve stock information from YAHOO Finance.


The package has two different nodes:

  • stock-request: A node that gets the information on request
  • stock-ticker: A node that provides real time updates, whenever a trade happens.

Both nodes will provide the same output.

stock-request node

Simply specify a comma separated list of stock symbols you are interested in.

You can either specify the tickers you are interested in the node config or via msg.payload. The tickers from the config will be preferred.

stock-ticker node

Simply specify a comma separated list of stock symbols you are interested in.

Will send a retrieve stock information directly after connecting and once the next trade happens.

  • Inject true to (re)-start the connection.
  • Inject false to stop the connection.

Example message payload


  "id": "TSLA",
  "price": 1219.8299560546875,
  "time": 1636146686000,
  "exchange": "NMS",
  "quoteType": "EQUITY",
  "marketHours": "POST_MARKET",
  "changePercent": -0.18492990732192993,
  "change": -2.260009765625,
  "priceHint": "2"


  "id": "ETH-USD",
  "price": 4467.684,
  "time": 1636146722000,
  "exchange": "CCC",
  "quoteType": "CRYPTOCURRENCY",
  "marketHours": "REGULAR_MARKET",
  "changePercent": -1.0066552,
  "change": -45.43164,
  "priceHint": "2",
  "currency": "USD",
  "dayVolume": 15251728384,
  "dayHigh": 4568.065,
  "dayLow": 4453.6626,
  "shortName": "Ethereum USD",
  "lastSize": 15251728384,
  "vol_24hr": 15251728384,
  "volAllCurrencies": 15251728384,
  "fromcurrency": "ETH",
  "lastMarket": "CoinMarketCap",
  "circulatingSupply": 118222240,
  "marketcap": 528179625984

Exchange Rate:

  "id": "EURUSD=X",
  "price": 1.156738,
  "time": 1636146889000,
  "exchange": "CCY",
  "quoteType": "CURRENCY",
  "marketHours": "REGULAR_MARKET",
  "changePercent": 0.080971303,
  "change": 0.00093591213,
  "priceHint": "4"