
Building Recognition using images

Primary LanguagePython

Cusco Building Image Dataset (CuscoBID)

We worked on a project that aims to recognize building historic from images in the city of Cusco in Peru. Building recognition from images is a challenging task since pictures can be taken from different angles and under different illumination conditions. An additional challenge is to differentiate buildings with a similar architectural design.

We compare the baseline method Bag-of-Words (We using SIFT and SURF to feature extraction) and the proposed CNN-based method (We propose a transfer learning approach using the models Vgg16, Vgg19, Inception-V3 and Xception to feature extraction).

Contributions are welcome. If you went to Cusco you can send us your photos to increase our dataset. Send to email 120885@unsaac.edu.pe



  • First Version. This consists of 2000 images of 14 different historical buildings of the city of Cusco. Next, the class number and the name of the historic building that corresponds to it is presented

    Class label Building name Image number
    01 Casa del Inca Garcilaso 108
    02 Catedral del Cusco 159
    03 La Compañia de Jesus 176
    04 Coricancha 147
    05 Cristo Blanco 146
    06 Templo de la Merced 142
    07 Mural de la Historia Inca 137
    08 Paccha de Pumaqchupan 114
    09 Pileta de San Blas 139
    10 Inca Pachacutec 129
    11 Sacsayhuaman 190
    12 Iglesia de San Francisco 135
    13 Iglesia de San Pedro 146
    14 Iglesia de Santo Domingo 132
  • Second Version. This consists of 4560 images of 14 different historical buildings of the city of Cusco. Next, the class number and the name of the historic building that corresponds to it is presented

    Class label Building name Image number
    01 Casa del Inca Garcilaso 200
    02 Catedral del Cusco 600
    03 La Compañia de Jesus 600
    04 Coricancha 570
    05 Cristo Blanco 200
    06 Templo de la Merced 260
    07 Mural de la Historia Inca 200
    08 Paccha de Pumaqchupan 200
    09 Pileta de San Blas 320
    10 Inca Pachacutec 300
    11 Sacsayhuaman 350
    12 Iglesia de San Francisco 250
    13 Iglesia de San Pedro 280
    14 Iglesia de Santo Domingo 230


  • To Transfer Learning

    • Python 2.7

    • Tensorflow 1.0.0

    • Keras 2.0.2

    • Matplotlib 2.0.0.

  • To Bag-of-Words

    • Opencv 2.4.11

    • NumPy 1.12.0

    • SciPy 0.18.1

    • SciKitLearn 0.18.1

Data Preparation

  • Format

    Change format to class_imagenumber.jpg. If you use Ubuntu you can execute the following sentence:

    //enter to folder catedral and run; output 01_0001.jpg, 01_0002.jpg, ....

    ls *.jpg | awk 'BEGIN{ class=1; photo=1; }{ printf "mv "%s" %02d_%04d.jpg\n", $0, class, photo++ }' | bash

    //enter to folder coricancha and run; output 02_0001.jpg, 02_0002.jpg, ....

    ls *.jpg | awk 'BEGIN{ class=2; photo=1; }{ printf "mv "%s" %02d_%04d.jpg\n", $0, class, photo++ }' | bash

    //enter to folder garcilaso and run; output 03_0001.jpg, 01_0003.jpg, ....

    ls *.jpg | awk 'BEGIN{ class=3; photo=1; }{ printf "mv "%s" %02d_%04d.jpg\n", $0, class, photo++ }' | bash


  • Join Data

    Copy all the images of the folders to a new folder (where we will leave all the images), we recommend the name of "dataset_cus".

  • Split Train and Test

    We created N folders and randomdly split the dataset in train and test. Run script

    python split_dataset.py ~/Path-to-original-dataset/ nsplits perc_train ~/Path-to-output-dataset/


    • ~/Path-to-original-dataset/ : Directory of input images(dataset_cus)

    • nsplits : Number of folders splits

    • perc_train : Percentage of train samples

    • ~/Path-to-output-dataset/ : Output path


  • Build Codebook

    We used SURF to feature extraction. However, if you want to use another algorithm (for example: SIFT). You must change the line of code 'desc_method = cv2.SURF()' for 'desc_method = cv2.SIFT()' in script bovw_utils.py. Finally, to create the codebook, you need to run.

    python codebook.py ~/Path-to-train-dataset/ codebook_size codebook_method ~/Path-to-output-dataset/


    • ~/Path-to-train-dataset/ : Directory of input images(train)

    • codebook_size : Size of the dictionary

    • codebook_method : Codebook method ('random, kmeans, st_kmeans, fast_st_kmeans). We we recommend using fast_st_kmeans because it is faster

    • codebook_filename : Output file(*.npy)

  • Build Bag-of-visual-Words

    This script needs to be executed twice to extract bag of visual words. one for the train data and the other for the test data.

    python bovw.py ~/Path-to-train-dataset-train/ codebook_filename output_bovw_filename_train output_labels_filename_train


    • ~/Path-to-train-dataset/ : Directory of input images(train)

    • codebook_filename : Codebook file (*.npy)

    • output_bovw_filename_train : Output file(*.npy) with visual words

    • output_labels_filename_train : Output file(*.npy) with labels of visual words

    python bovw.py ~/Path-to-train-dataset-test/ codebook_filename output_bovw_filename_test output_labels_filename_test


    • ~/Path-to-train-dataset-test/ : Directory of input images(test)

    • codebook_filename : Codebook file (*.npy)

    • output_bovw_filename_test : Output file(*.npy) with visual words

    • output_labels_filename_test : Output file(*.npy) with labels of visual words

  • Classification

    We use four different classification methods. Support Vector Machine, Random Forest and k Nearest Neighbor are in the script classify_train_test.py.

    python classify_train_test.py dataset_train_filename labels_train_filename dataset_test_filename labels_test_filename method output_filename


    • dataset_train_filename : equals to output_bovw_filename_train, Dataset train file name (*.npy)

    • labels_train_filename : equals to output_labels_filename_train, Label train filename (*.npy)

    • dataset_test_filename : equals to output_bovw_filename_test, Dataset test file name (*.npy)

    • labels_test_filename : equals to output_labels_filename_test, Label test filename (*.npy)

    • method : Classifier (svm, linear_svm, rf, knn), where svm is equals to SVM with kernel RBF and linear_svm is equals to SVM with kernel lineal

    • output_filename : Predicted output filename(*.npy)

    While Neural Network is executed in script cnn_test_tinc3.py(you can modify parameters such as the number of neurons, number of layers and others).

    python classify_train_test.py file_path_train file_path_train_cls file_path_test file_path_test_cls file_path_save_model


    • file_path_train : equals to output_bovw_filename_train, Dataset train file name (*.npy)

    • file_path_train_cls : equals to output_labels_filename_train, Label train filename (*.npy)

    • file_path_test : equals to output_bovw_filename_test, Dataset test file name (*.npy)

    • file_path_test_cls : equals to output_labels_filename_test, Label test filename (*.npy)

    • file_path_save_model : Predicted output filename(*.ckpt)

Transfer Learning

  • Compute Transfer Values

We use different pre-trained models of convolutional neural networks, these architectures were provided by the framework Keras (VGG16, VGG19, Xception) and Magnus Erik Hvass Pedersen(Inception-V3).

  • VGG16, VGG19 and Xception.

Pre-trained weights can be automatically loaded upon instantiation. Weights are automatically downloaded if necessary, and cached locally in ~/.keras/models/.

  • Inception-V3

First, you must download the pre-trained model of http://download.tensorflow.org/models/image/imagenet/inception-2015-12-05.tgz. Second, unzip the model within the 'CNN-Transfer Learning' folder. Third, modify the model's path in the 'inception.py' file, for example: data_dir = "/home/jeanfranco/Documents/deep-learning-models_proy/inception-2015-12-05/".

you need to execute the following script twice, one for the train data and the other for the test data.

To train.

python compute_transfer_values.py ~/Path-to-train-dataset-train/ dataset_type model_type data_augmentation output_data_train output_cls_train


  • ~/Path-to-train-dataset-train/ : Directory of input images(train)

  • dataset_type : choose method ('train',' test'), we recommend train

  • model_type : choose model type ('vgg16', 'vgg19', 'resnet', 'xception','inception')

  • data_augmentation : choose ('si', 'no')

  • output_data_train : Output transfer values (.npy)

  • output_cls_train : Output classes (.npy)

To test.

python compute_transfer_values.py ~/Path-to-train-dataset-test/ dataset_type model_type data_augmentation output_data_test output_cls_Test


  • ~/Path-to-train-dataset-train/ : Directory of input images(test)

  • dataset_type : choose method ('train',' test'), we recommend test

  • model_type : choose model type ('vgg16', 'vgg19', 'resnet', 'xception','inception')

  • data_augmentation : choose ('no')

  • output_data_test : Output transfer values (.npy)

  • output_cls_Test : Output classes (.npy)

  • Classification

We use four different classification methods. Support Vector Machine, Random Forest and k Nearest Neighbor are in the script classify_train_test.py.

python classify_train_test.py output_data_train output_cls_train output_data_test output_cls_Test method output_filename


  • output_data_train : Dataset train file name (*.npy)

  • output_cls_train : Label train filename (*.npy)

  • output_data_test : Dataset test file name (*.npy)

  • output_cls_Test : Label test filename (*.npy)

  • method : Classifier (svm, linear_svm, rf, knn), where svm is equals to SVM with kernel RBF and linear_svm is equals to SVM with kernel lineal

  • output_filename : Predicted output filename(*.npy)

While Neural Network is executed in script cnn_test_tinc3.py(you can modify parameters such as the number of neurons, number of layers and others).

python classify_train_test.py output_data_train output_cls_train output_data_test output_cls_Test file_path_save_model


  • output_data_train : Dataset train file name (*.npy)

  • output_cls_train : Label train filename (*.npy)

  • output_data_test : Dataset test file name (*.npy)

  • output_cls_Test : Label test filename (*.npy)

  • file_path_save_model : Predicted output filename(*.ckpt)


We develop a prediction from the new trained model. That is, we identify the category of belonging to a new image of a historic building in the city of Cusco.

We have three cells in 'Prediction_models.ipynb', The first line, the machine learning algorithm is applied neural network, in the method 'main' 'saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph('model.ckpt.meta')' depends on the name of the previously generated file. The second line, represents a visualization of applying data augmentation. Finally, the machine learning algorithm is Support Vector Machine. We recommend using the last cell during the prediction process, because it presents the best results during this stage.


You can review our paper, published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library

  • Tittle: Towards accurate building recognition using convolutional neural networks

  • Authors:

    • Jeanfranco D. Farfan-Escobedo. Escuela Profesional de Ingeniería Informática y de Sistemas, Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco, Peru

    • Lauro Enciso-Rodas. Escuela Profesional de Ingeniería Informática y de Sistemas, Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco, Peru

    • John E. Vargas-Muñoz. Institute of Computing - University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil


Finally, if you use the database or the code, do not forget to reference this work.

@inproceedings{farfan2017towards, title={Towards accurate building recognition using convolutional neural networks}, author={Farfan-Escobedo, Jeanfranco D and Enciso-Rodas, Lauro and Vargas-Mu{~n}oz, John E}, booktitle={Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computing (INTERCON), 2017 IEEE XXIV International Conference on}, pages={1--4}, year={2017}, organization={IEEE} }