
Powerful Nano syntax highlight

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This repo includes *.nanorc files that config syntax highlight for Nano editor.

Most of the *.nanorc files in this repo are revised from scopatz/nanorc and GNU nano.

Supported Language

Language Config File
C c.nanorc
C++ cpp.nanorc
Readline Init File inputrc.nanorc
Bash Script sh.nanorc
Ngspice Netlist sp.nanorc


Step 1. Download the files you need, or use the following command to clone the whole repository.

git clone https://github.com/jeang-bo-yuan/nanorc-syntax-highlight

Step 2. Open the file, ~/.nanorc, and add the include to include the config files. For example:

include "/path/to/c.nanorc"
include "/path/to/cpp.nanorc"
# ... etc

Wildcard is also available.

include "/path/to/repo/*.nanorc"
