
How to set nvim related options at startup?

Closed this issue · 3 comments


I just installed eovim, and have a few questions about nvim options like colorscheme or mouse.
E.g., I tried writing:
colorscheme desert
set mouse=a
in ~/.config/nvim/eovimrc.vim but it nothing happens (they are also in ginit.vim, which I am using for the qt interface to neovim). They work if I type them directly from eovim.
Thanks for help,


  • eovim --version:
  • nvim --version | head -n1: v0.2.2-41-gee031eb52
  • edje_cc --version:1.20.7


oops. my mistake. the README has an infortunate typo. The vim file should be ~/.config/nvim/eovimrc.nvim. Thanks for the report!!

FYI, ginit.vim is not sourced.


oops. my mistake. the README has an infortunate typo. The vim file should be ~/.config/nvim/eovimrc.nvim. Thanks for the report!! I'll update the README.

FYI, ginit.vim is not sourced.

Thanks, so it works.