- 2
- 2
Unable to set guifont as normal
#69 opened by shanoaice - 4
Unusable on HiDPI display
#53 opened by syntaxman - 2
- 1
- 7
Segfault in a test completion
#64 opened by Thanatermesis - 4
- 0
Broken support for nvim < 0.4
#51 opened by jeanguyomarch - 6
seg fault at start
#52 opened by pcouderc12 - 0
Conform to fontconfig spec.
#54 opened by jeanguyomarch - 2
- 10
No Ligatures support
#44 opened by kalkin - 1
- 2
Can the lib install directory be specified?
#28 opened by roflcopter4 - 2
- 2
OpenSUSE Tumbleweed support
#35 opened by satelliteoflove - 2
Bindings for control+shift send control instead
#40 opened by Cybolic - 4
no effect when setting guifont
#41 opened by conopt - 5
`cmake --build . ` fails on ubuntu
#23 opened by sluedtke - 1
eovim crashes when I run :checkhealth
#39 opened by kekePower - 5
neovim >=0.3.2 not working
#38 opened by devendor - 3
How to set defaults eovim options?
#32 opened by dav2017 - 2
- 1
Use of --headless
#37 opened by justinmk - 2
- 2
Can't load plugins
#36 opened by JeanOlivier - 3
How to set nvim related options at startup?
#31 opened by dav2017 - 4
Platform 'CentOS Linux' is not supported.
#30 opened by kierun - 3
I really wanted to try this, but it seems it no longer works with homebrew setups (OsX/Darwin)
#29 opened by SkyLeach - 0
- 1
- 9
Is it possible to build this on macOS?
#25 opened by jamesgecko - 2
Tooltip support
#26 opened by yshui - 1
Command line externalization, no visual feedback
#20 opened by nurelin - 1
shift+tab not working
#22 opened by Dasmark - 4
Error when starting eovim
#19 opened by Dasmark - 0
Allow tabs reordering
#18 opened by jeanguyomarch - 5
- 1
Build with flags '-Wl,--no-undefined'
#15 opened by awissu - 0
option unknown
#14 opened by francoisGuerret - 1
Error logs while parsing neovim inputs
#10 opened by jeanguyomarch - 3
An error is raised when launching eovim
#12 opened by francoisGuerret - 4
and one more which kills the process
#13 opened by francoisGuerret - 2
No dead keys with us(intl) keymap on Arch
#11 opened by felipetavares - 1
- 1
please package for Archlinux
#9 opened by nurelin - 6
Nice cursor but change command broken
#8 opened by francoisGuerret - 1
un petit CRI
#7 opened by francoisGuerret - 2
- 0
Please package for Ubuntu
#5 opened by mtexier