
How to set defaults eovim options?

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how can I set default options for eovim, eg specify a default window size (instead of running, e.g., eovim -g 30x20)?




you can click on the little gears icon that is on to top-right corner of eovim's window.
screenshot from 2018-06-11 19-08-12

You will find there the default options. But the settings to select a default window size has not been created (yet).

What I have found is that if not set at startup, the windows size cannot be reduced to less than its default setting. This is an unexpected behavior to me. Furthermore, as I am using a tiled window manager (dwm) I cannot get the proper window display (unless starting eovim with a small window size -g (e.g. -g 10x10).

indeed, this behavior seems wrong to me as well. I'll investigate that.
Thanks for the report.