focus on: TDD
- using tests to drive the code
- red - green - refactor
- breaking the problem down into the smallest next piece
- "How do I want to interact with this code?"
- You can think of new tests along the way!
Some things about the solution, probably...
- denominations
- coins
- bills
- some way to deal with rounding errors (is that a thing in ruby?)
- am I going to deal with pluralization? HOW
- what denominations are in my cash drawer?! is there a situation where I don't have any dimes?????
Hypothesis: I am going to have trouble with rounding if I represent pennies as .01
Test with IRB: start at 1, subtract .01 repeatedly - I think eventually I'll get stupid numbers
Ways to deal?:
- unit is 1 cent - 1 dollar is 100
- bigdecimal - "deal with money rounding ruby"
- Using bigdecimal will allow me to not have stupid numbers
- I know enough to use BigDecimal
Experiment with IRB: same as before, but use BigDecimal
to follow up on later: is .to_f a reasonable way to display the answer?