##Bay Area: Trail Finder
- Express API Build an Express Application that has both HTML and JSON endpoints.
- RESTful Routes Design your CRUD routes using the REST convention.
- AJAX Leverage AJAX to fetch JSON data from the backend.
- jQuery Use jQuery to add interactivity and render data on the client-side.
- Templating Render the JSON data on the frontend using handlebars templates.
- MongoDB Persist at least two models to a Mongo Database. Use at least one one-to-many or many-to-many relationship between models. You can choose to reference or embed your data.
- Git 50+ commits. Commit early, commit often, and clear commit messages.
- Visual Design Use Twitter Bootstrap, Foundation, Skeleton, or another CSS framework to make your front-end visually pleasing.
- Heroku Deploy your app to Heroku.
- Project Plan - https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1t_dU_ShYptctj8sOF-k3jUxaI9KY12-OxG5Ve2ahP8E/edit
- Clearly defined Minimum Viable Product (MVP) Scope. Wireframes for every page. These don't have to be pretty; just sketch what the page will include.
- User Stories
- Database Models and ERD Make plans for each resource. Draw an Entity Relationship Diagram to illustrate the relationship(s) between models.
- A Feasibility Check for any bonus feature you'd like to complete.
- Web Hosting @ Heroku.com
- HTML, CSS, javascript, jQuery 3.1.1 CDN, Boostrap 3.3.7 CDN, Handlebars 4.0.6 CDN, Express, Mongoose, MongoDB
- PUT route not in working order.
- Code Style Write professional-looking code. Follow the Airbnb Javascript Styleguide.
Type | Path | Description |
GET | '/' | Displays index.html on homepage |
GET | '/api ' | Redirects to full outline of api routs and descriptions |
GET | '/api/trails' | etches trail data for 12 hardcoded trails and any addition trails created |
POST | '/api/trails' | Creates new trail objects |
DELETE | 'api/trails' | Deletes trail objects |
PUT | '/api/comments' | Not in working order, but designed to add new comments to trail objects by id |
- Express - http://expressjs.com/en/api.html
- Stackoverflow - http://stackoverflow.com/
- Mozilla Developer Network - https://developer.mozilla.org
- jQuery API - http://api.jquery.com/
- Mongoosejs - http://mongoosejs.com/docs/api.html
- Boostrap - http://bootstrapdocs.com/v3.3.6/docs/css/
- Handlebars - http://handlebarsjs.com/
- Heroku set up - https://github.com/SF-WDI-LABS/shared_modules/blob/master/how-to/heroku-mean-stack-deploy.md
- Google Fonts - https://fonts.google.com/
- GoogleDocs (for planning)