
Notes gitbook for WDI [ga-staff]

Primary LanguageHTML

#WDI Seattle

Seattle and the Olympic Mountains by Brian Hague on 500px.com

Welcome to GA Seattle! This is the notes repository for our Web Development Immersive. You can view the content in a more searchable/friendly format on Gitbook:


GA Logo

##Setting up the Notes locally

  • Fork this repository
  • Clone your fork to your development machine
  • Setup a remote for your fork
    • Run git remote add upstream git@github.com:WDI-SEA/notes.git
  • Install the Gitbook CLI tool by running npm install -g gitbook-cli
  • Preview the Gitbook by running gitbook serve

##Contributing to the Notes

  • All contributions can be done via pull requests
  • Recommended process:
    • Make changes in your forked repository (use a separate branch)
    • Create a pull request and be sure to be very explicit about the changes you've made
    • Ask someone on the WDI team to look at your pull request


But wait, there's more! Notes are organized by topic, but there's a suggested order to go through the notes, complete with assignments.


###Front End Development

Topic Assignments
Internet Fundamentals Internet Lab
Command Line

Intro to Git
Command Line Murder Mystery

CSS Selectors
CSS Box Model and Positioning Recreate Instagram

Recreate Airbnb
JavaScript Primitives Primitives Exercises
JavaScript Control Flow Control Flow Problems

Google Shopping
JavaScript Functions Functions Problem Set

Google Shopping Functions
DOM and Events Reddit DOM

Temperature Converter
Callbacks and Iterators Iterators Lab

Iterators with Reddit
Intro to jQuery Random Quote Generator

Todo List
jQuery Plugins jQuery UI Lab
AJAX AJAX Doughnuts

Reddit AJAX Slideshow
Responsive CSS
Bootstrap Bootstrap Mockups
User Stories and Wireframing Wireframing: Build an Idea
OOP with Constructors/Prototypes

Intro to TDD
Prototype Body Shop
JavaScript Inheritance Body Shop 2
Projects and Additional Topics
Tic Tac Toe
Project 1
Code Review


Topic Assignments
Intro to Express Daily Planet
Organization and APIs

OMDB Movie Search
Intro to SQL Apartment Lab
Advanced SQL Booktown
Full RESTful Routing w/AJAX Hackathon Teams

Daily Planet with AJAX (old)
Express with Databases via Sequelize Pokedex

Link Shortener
Sequelize 1:M Comments w/BlogPulse
Sequelize M:M OMDB Tags
Express Testing with Mocha and Chai Starter code
Express Authentication Theory (Research/Code)
Express Authentication Practice (Codealong) Starter Template
Deploy Node to Heroku Example App
Projects and Additional Topics
Project 2
Realtime with Socket.io
Image Uploads with Cloudinary
Post Project 2

###Ruby on Rails

Topic Assignments
Intro to Ruby Ruby Exercises

Ruby Challenges
Ruby Classes Ruby Classes
Ruby Testing with Rspec Rspec Testing
Ruby Inheritance Rio Grande
Intro to Rails The SLU Bog
APIs with Rest-Client
Data Scraping with Nokogiri Nokogiri CLI Tool
Rails Asset Pipeline
Rails Auth/1:M Link Board
Rails M:M SLU Bog Tags
Polymorphic Associations Link Board Comments
Projects and Additional Topics
Front End Hackathon
Project 3
Group Collaboration
Image Uploads with Cloudinary
Static Site Generators (Jekyll)
JS/jQuery Review

###AngularJS 1.x and APIs

Topic Assignments
Intro to Angular Angular Calculator
Directives and Filters Fruits and Veggies
Animation with ngAnimate
Bootstrap Directives
$http (DEPRECATED) Reddit Dashboard

Giphy Search
Angular Services
Angular Routing (UI Router) Route Those Views
Intro to MongoDB

JSON Web Tokens RESTful API
Angular + Express

Starter Code
Angular Authentication Starter Code
Custom Filters Creating Filters
Custom Directives Creating Directives


Topic Assignments
Intro to ReactJS React Stopwatch
React with Gulp and Browserify
React Router

Starter Code
React Yearbook
React Animations

###Computer Science

Topic Assignments
Recursion/Problem Solving Array Challenge
Binary Search

Algorithm Complexity
Auto Guess
Stacks and Queues Bracket Matching
Linked Lists Singly Linked List

Linked List Methods
Bucket Sort Bucket Sort: Sorting Papers
Bubble Sort
Merge Sort
Quick Sort
Sorting Wrapup
Trees and Other Topics N/A
Projects and Additional Topics
Project 4
MEAN Hackathon
Interview Questions
ES6 Variables and Strings (Codepen)
ES6 Arrow Functions (Codepen)