
Huge collection of the animated gifs I use on http://tumblr.snipe.net


Huge collection of the animated gifs I use on http://tumblr.snipe.net and in my other Github issues/pull requests to make contributing more fun.

Yes, I know a few of them are not actually gifs. Quiet, you.

Note: This repo is big. It has ~2k animated gifs, and they're all awesome, but it's big and it will take some time to download/clone.

I'll be working on categorizing the ones that are not currently categorized over time, and renaming them all to something that actually means something. I need to do this for my own sanity (and so I can find the right gif when I need it), but it will take a little time to get everything categorized and appropriately named.

The copyrights to the actual images belong to their respective intellectual property copyright holders, blah blah blah. I have collected these over a period of years, so I couldn't tell you where I found most of them, and I'm reasonably certain the folks I nicked them from couldn't tell you where they originally found them either. Internet, amirite?

If you dig it and want to buy me a beer or a cup of coffee, you can do so with Changetip. You don't have to, but it's always appreciated.

You're welcome to add to this repo, but understand that I'm very picky. If I don't accept your pull request because your gif isn't punchy enough, don't be sad. This isn't a collection of all gifs - this is a collection of gifs that I found to be particularly funny/biting/weird/useful. It's nothing personal.

There is no porn in this repo, although there may be hilarious depictions of sex toys or other things I find funny. Please don't submit a PR with porn. The internet has enough of that on its own, it doesn't need my help.


About the Classifications

  • adorbs: Misc cuteness that I couldn't classify in another way
  • angry-frustrated: This will be broken down into nuanced sub-categories soon, since it's the directory with the most gifs right now
  • badass-nailed-it: People not failing at awesome shit
  • bored-tired-depressed: These are grouped together because they can often be used interchangeably

About Me

Hi, I'm snipe. I write free, open source software for a living for my company, Grokability, Inc. I wrote Snipe-IT (a FOSS IT asset management system), I'm the CTO and co-founder of Mass Mosaic, and I created the Downworthy browser plugin. I also made Nofuckstogive.today, which you might enjoy.

You can find me on the Twitters @snipeyhead.