» Need to implement:
- en passant
- stalemate
- pawn promotion
- save/load game
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» When you play the Game of Chess, you win or die.
###Castling Castling is a move where the King and the Rook make a move simultaneously. The following conditions must be met:
- The King has not yet moved in the game
- The Rook involved has not yet moved in the game
- The King is not in check
- The castling move does not put the King in check
e1 g1 castle # white kingside
e8 g8 castle # black kingside
e1 c1 castle # white queenside
e8 c8 castle # black queenside
$ gem install colorize
- Colorize gem used to color strings
To play game, run the following in your terminal from the root directory
$ ruby lib/game/play.rb