
Google Kubernetes Engine gRPC Example

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Google Kubernetes Engine gRPC Example

Traefik Helm installation

Use that command to install:

$ helm install stable/traefik --name traefik --namespace traefik --values ./traefik/values.yaml

and that to update:

$ helm upgrade traefik stable/traefik --values ./traefik/values.yaml --wait

Application example

  • kubectl create namespace apps
  • kubectl apply -f traefik/cheese-cheddar-deployment.yaml
  • kubectl apply -f traefik/cheese-stiltion-deployment.yaml
  • kubectl apply -f traefik/cheese-wensleydale-deployment.yaml
  • kubectl apply -f traefik/cheese-ingress.yaml
$ curl --header "Host:cheddar.service" ${traefik-external-ip}

ps: run kubectl get svc -n traefik to see external ip.

gRPC on Google Kubernetes Engine

First, set a real domain for greeter-service application:

  1. greeter-service/kubernetes/ingress.yaml (set host value)
  2. backend/kubernetes/deployment.yaml (set GREETER_HOST value)

Now, to the same for backend applicaton:

  1. backend/kubernetes/ingress.yaml (set host value)

Now, deploy the recipes on kubernetes:

$ kubernetes create ns apps # create namespace "apps"
$ kubernetes -f greeter-service/kubernetes # deploy greeter service application
$ kubernetes -f backend/kubernetes # deploy backend application

Send a request to backend using its domain: curl -X POST backend.

curl -X POST \
    http://my.backend.domain.com/hello \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '{"name": "My Awesome Name"}'

replace my.backend.domain.com for a real one and make the request.

You will see Hello My Awesome Name as the response.