
How to build a 2 layers map with Highmaps

Primary LanguagePHP

Display 2 layers of geodata with Highmaps

Use Highmaps to display a map of population densities in Europe by country/state with flags in the tooltip. View demo here. This repo contains the final project built on top of Laravel 5.2, and all steps are explained in this blog post.


Make sure you have a running web server on your computer (for example xampp). Open your favorite CLI and move to the folder that will hold the project (typically C:\xampp\htdocs for xampp users). Then type the following commands:

First clone the repo

git clone https://github.com/jeanquark/highmaps.git

cd to the newly created folder and install all dependencies

composer install

Create a database that will hold countries and regional tables (you can do so with phpmyadmin). Open the .env.example file, edit it to match your database name, username and password and save it as .env file. Then build tables with command

php artisan migrate

Now fill in the tables

php artisan db:seed

Generate application key

php artisan key:generate

Nice. You should be good to go. Open your web browser and go to the login page of the application project (if you followed above-mentioned directives with xampp, path is: http://localhost/highmaps/public).


  1. Drilldown map with country/regional flags. Please note that I only included regional data for France, Germany and Switzerland.



Once your click on a country, you obtain the country regional data: login