
I have to login that often!

rofi-passbolt is a mode to access passbolt. It is fast, has a minimal code footprint and is written in Go. This is not a set of bash scrips which handle your secrets, but a shared library which is loaded by rofi.


  • xdotool
  • Go


Run the following commands:

$ go build -buildmode=c-shared -o dist/ 


Use an existing account

  1. After setting up a few passwords click on your profile in the upper right corner. Then select "Key inspector" on the left. Ovierview
  2. Copy the Fingerprint. This will be needed later on. Get the key fingerprint

Place the passbolt_private.txt file you downloaded in ~/.config/rofi/passbolt.

Setting up a new account

  1. Follow the invite link in our email: Get the plugin
  2. Confirm the shown data Define your keys
  3. Choose a key password which will be required later on. Set the key passphrase
  4. Download the key backup. This will also be needed later on. Download the key
  5. Choose a random color. Set a security token

Follow the Use an existing account guide.


Then you can copy the file to a custom rofi plugin directory like ~/.config/rofi/plugins or place it in /usr/lib/rofi/. If you place it in the former location then you always need the parameter -plugin-path ~/.config/rofi/plugins when invoking rofi.


There are multiple ways how to use it. One way is to create a script which will start rofi. Create a script called in a directory of your choice like ~/.bin with the following content:


KEY_PASSWORD=$(cat ~/.config/rofi/passbolt/key_password.txt) # If you are using pass you can use here $(pass passbolt | head -n 1)

PASSBOLT_GPG_KEY_PASSWORD=$KEY_PASSWORD rofi -plugin-path $ROFI_PLUGIN_DIR -show passbolt -fingerprint $FINGERPRINT -gpg-key $GPG_KEY_PATH -base-url $BASE_URL

Replace the correct values for BASE_URL, FINGERPRINT, GPG_KEY_PATH and KEY_PASSWORD. The base URL is the URL to your passbolt server. The fingerprint can be acquired when you are logged in (See Use an existing account). GPG_KEY_PATH should be the locatin of your key backup. The KEY_PASSWORD is the password you use to login in your browser.

Then you can setup your keyboard shortcut service of choice. In the case of i3 you can add the following to your config:

bindsym $mod+P exec --no-startup-id ~/.bin/