E2E testing for dApps using Puppeteer + MetaMask
$ npm install -s @chainsafe/dappeteer
$ yarn add @chainsafe/dappeteer
import dappeteer from '@chainsafe/dappeteer';
async function main() {
const { metaMask, browser } = await dappeteer.bootstrap();
// create a new page and visit your dapp
const dappPage = await browser.newPage();
await dappPage.goto('http://my-dapp.com');
// you can change the network if you want
await metaMask.switchNetwork('goerli');
// do something in your dapp that prompts MetaMask to add a Token
const addTokenButton = await dappPage.$('#add-token');
await addTokenButton.click();
// instruct MetaMask to accept this request
await metaMask.acceptAddToken();
// do something that prompts MetaMask to confirm a transaction
const payButton = await dappPage.$('#pay-with-eth');
await payButton.click();
// 🏌
await metaMask.confirmTransaction();
import dappeteer from '@chainsafe/dappeteer';
import { exec } from "child_process";
async function buildSnap(): Promise<string> {
console.log(`Building my-snap...`);
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
exec(`cd ./my-snap && npx mm-snap build`, (error, stdout) => {
if (error) {
return "./my-snap";
async function main() {
// build your local snap
const builtSnapDir = await buildSnap()
// setup dappateer and install your snap
const { metaMask, snapId, browser } = await dappeteer.initSnapEnv({
snapIdOrLocation: builtSnapDir,
// you need to have a webpage open to interact with MetaMask, you can also visit a dApp page
const dappPage = await browser.newPage();
await dappPage.goto('http://example.org/');
// invoke a method from your snap that prompts users with approve/reject dialog
await metaMask.snaps.invokeSnap(dappPage, snapId, "my-method")
// instruct MetaMask to accept this request
await metaMask.snaps.dialog.positive();
// get the notification emitter and the promise that will receive the notifications
const emitter = await metaMask.snaps.getNotificationEmitter();
const notificationPromise = emitter.waitForNotification();
// do something that prompts your snap to emit notifications
await metaMask.snaps.invokeSnap(dappPage, snapId, "notify");
// Make sure the notification promise has resolved
await notificationPromise;
// You can now read the snap notifications and run tests against them
const notifications = await metaMask.snaps.getAllNotifications();
- All methods can be found on API page
- Instructions to setup dAppeteer with Jest
- Mocha example can be found inside test folder