conflict with NerdTree
Rick1125 opened this issue · 2 comments
everything is work perfectly when you use only one tab, if you open another tab with NERDTee tabnew, TxSend and others won't work in the second tab. It shows some errores in vim:
"E121: Undefined variable: b:tmuxified" and
"E15: Invalide expression: !b:tmuxified || !exists('b:pane_id) || (b:pane_id != s:pane_get_id(b:pane_num)).
You've done the great job, this is a great plugin for vim, I like it so much BTW.
Thanks for reporting!
I can reproduce the issue and understand the root of the problem. But since I'm a bit busy today and it's no one-line fix, I'll commit the fix tomorrow. The commit will make it possible to associate one pane per buffer and handle them independently.
The 1.0 release will follow soon after.
BTW, I'm glad you like this plugin. Motivates me to polish it further. :-)
Should be fixed now!