- 0
Problem when attaching to named sessions
#27 opened by symbolix - 0
#26 opened by chreekat - 4
:TxSetPane doesn't take arguments
#19 opened by DanielFGray - 2
Incompatible with tmux 1.8?
#20 opened by bshillingford - 5
new pane per file
#22 opened by brooth - 2
Non-interactive send command to pane
#15 opened by thedeeno - 2
- 24
- 3
Associate panes in other sessions/windows
#12 opened by tommcdo - 2
:TxSend with tabs invokes tab-completion
#16 opened by tommcdo - 1
Unable to associate pane zero
#13 opened by tommcdo - 4
Semi-colons are not sent by :TxSend
#11 opened by tommcdo - 12
- 2
Conflict with vim-tmux-navigator
#8 opened by dathinaios - 4
:TxSend(@m) failing on tmux 1.6
#7 opened by mattboehm - 2
Make mappings configurable
#5 opened by mattboehm - 2
Name of the active buffer does not update when switching between files of the same filetype
#4 opened by bmedicke - 2
Support global pane selection
#3 opened by judofyr - 2
conflict with NerdTree
#1 opened by Rick1125