
Error detected for pane_send: E117: Unknown function: systemlist

LmtEdition opened this issue · 2 comments

I just installed vim-tmuxify on vim 7.4 patch 1-52 on Ubuntu 14.04. However, when I run TxSend, I get an error saying the function 'systemlist' is unknown. I'm assuming 'systemlist' is a function in newer versions of vim. Is it possible to have support for older versions of vim?

Thanks for the detailed issue report!

systemlist() was introduced in 7.4:248, and a serious bug with it was fixed in 7.4:256, so if it's possible to update to that patch or later it'll solve your problem. Having said that, it is definitely possible to support using the older system() function if systemlist() isn't available, but I'm not sure when I'll have time to write that code. Could be in the next few days, or could be a few weeks.

@LmtEdition should be fixed now, let me know if there are any problems