
A Python toolbox for EEG visualization.

Primary LanguagePython


Window Overview


  1. Import and load EEG *.edf file
  2. Select channels to plot

Loading an EDF

The user can select a *.edf file to import and load for analysis of the EEG data.

  1. To load an edf, click on the Open EDF button on the upper left corner of the window.
  2. A window will open to select the edf file to open. Only valid files (*.edf) can be loaded into the application.
  3. After the edf is successfully loaded, waveforms for each channel will be plotted in the waveform display window.
    • Information regarding the edf file will be shown in the EDF Information box shown on the right side of the main window.

Display Settings

Options are provided to change the display of the waveforms in the Display box.

Users can choose any channel(s) to display. One or multiple electrodes can be selected for viewing. To include channels to process, click the Choose Channels button.

A window will open, allowing users to select any number of channels. Select which channels to view, and click the OK button.

  • To select the number of channels to be displayed, enter or change Number of Channels to Display
  • To change the number of seconds of the waveform to display, enter or change Display Time Window
  • To change the time window increment, enter or change the percentage Display Time Window Increment
  • With any changes of the signal display, click the Update Plot button to view the newly updated signal display
  • Use the Normalize Vertically checkbox to toggle between the normalized and unnormalized signal.

Plotting Time Frequency Graph

Users have the option of viewing the time frequency plot of a single electrode at a time. The time interval plotted will be the same as what is viewed in the main window’s waveform display.

  1. Use the Plot Time Frequency button on the upper right of the main window to open the channel selection window
  2. Select which channel’s time frequency plot to view > click OK
  3. Use the legend on the right side to change the color palette of the plot

To change the time interval, return to the main window and change the interval of the main waveform, then reopen the time frequency plot.


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles

Division of Pediatric Neurology, Department of Pediatrics, UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital David Geffen School of Medicine

EEG Visualizer references code from pyHFO

EEG Viz Document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15jOJMiTojdR5mPBSyjdPqwLrKEg-ShcGIPCz6Vux0mM/edit?usp=sharing