Jebrii's Markov Text Generator

This is a very simple implementation of "AI" that I made for fun.

Using an example text, this tool can randomly generate text that mimics the patterns in human language.


There are multiple ways to view this tool.

The Web App

To make this more fun, I skinned it with a React app. Run it with npm start and it will port to your localhost:3000.

The app should be more or less self-explanatory. The goal is to build a sample of text substantial enough to generate meaningful text.

Standalone (CL)

In the root directory of this project is a file called markovTextGen.js. This is the foundation for the app. If you want to use it alone, you can edit to file to enter a value for the sampleText variable, then run it with $node markovTextGen.js. You can also fiddle with the start string, number of sentences, and markov order.

Sample Text

Sample text is a large string (or strings) of sample human language. The more sample text available to the generator, the more unique the generated text will be. A short sample text will often result in meaningless or looped text.

Note that the sample text must contain only the letters [A-z].