
Playground for testing msbuild in a "server" mode

Primary LanguageC#

Benchmark for prototyping msbuild with faster static-graph/caching

Simple benchmark to test hosting msbuild in a "server" like mode, with improvements to msbuild to make it build a graph of projects a lot more faster.

This is to measure the raw cost of msbuild when compiling a tree of deep projects:

  • Clean, build all
  • Touch 1 C# file in the root project, build all
  • Change 1 C# file affecting ref assemblies in the leaf project, build all
  • No changes, build all

This repository is using a fork of msbuild here to achieve higher build performance by enabling parallelized builds + caching while today msbuild can do caching only sequential and single threaded (see this issue)


This is a playground, highly experimental, code super dirty, read it at your own risk! The changes to msbuild are not fullproof, I have experienced nodes shutting down in weird ways and the client blocking.


Today, msbuild is used mostly dynamically to evaluate build graphs and execute targets.

Recently was introduced a new way to build projects with msbuild by using static graphs

Static graphs are great because they provide the knowledge up-front of the entire project graph to compile, and this allows to schedule more efficiently the build of projects.

With the static-graph mode, msbuild has introduced an isolate project mode:

  • Usually, when you compile a Project A that has many project dependencies (B1, B2...), building project A with msbuild will require msbuild to issue lots of msbuild tasks to query build result metadatas from project dependencies (e.g B1.GetTargetFrameworks). The problem is that calling msbuild on each dependencies can be very costly because it requires to load all the target files associated to a project, evaluate all the properties...etc.
  • With the isolate mode, you can create a cache of a project that would contain the results of these metadatas. You could then build Project A by reusing caches for their dependencies (e.g B1.csproj.cache)

But the design of isolate was made in a specific case (see this issue) that was forcing the compilation of each projects sequentially and from a single thread. So you couldn't build an entire graph of projects in reverse order of topological sort in parallel.

This repo validates the idea by bringing to msbuild a way to use isolated builds on msbuild nodes, so that we can now build caches in // while building projects.

The performance improvements can be dramatic. For example, for a tree of 100 C# projects (a root project, several layers of child projects, and a single leaf project referenced by all children), the full build of these projects takes:

  • 7s to 9s with Visual Studio/msbuild.
  • 1.5 to 2s with the solution experimented in this repository.

When re-compiling a root project referencing the other 99 C# projects:

  • 1.5s with Visual Studio/msbuild
  • 150ms with the solution experimented.

So the solution in this experiment brings almost a speedup factor of x3 to x10 in build time.


  • First, you need to be very brave 😅
  • The code assumes that you have installed dotnet 6.0.100 SDK
  • Assuming that you checkout this project in a $root folder (so $root\BenchBuild)
  • You need to checkout this msbuild benchbuild branch in $root\dotnet\msbuild
  • Open the $root\dotnet\msbuild\MSBuild.sln solution and compile in Release (and/or Debug) the MSBuild project (other project might fail)
  • Open the $root\BenchBuild\BenchBuild.sln and build the solution (in the same config than msbuild)
  • Then you can run BenchBuild in the solution
  • You should see an output similar to this:
Load Projects and graph
Time to load and evaluate 100 projects: 1185.9211ms
Restore All
[0] Time to build 1 projects: 4098.4751ms
[1] Time to build 1 projects: 908.119ms
[2] Time to build 1 projects: 1324.8088ms
[3] Time to build 1 projects: 757.075ms
[4] Time to build 1 projects: 676.2929ms
Build All (Clean)
[0] Time to build 100 projects: 4682.1972ms
[1] Time to build 100 projects: 2274.4678ms
[2] Time to build 100 projects: 2157.9376ms
[3] Time to build 100 projects: 2202.1063ms
[4] Time to build 100 projects: 2170.6099ms
Build All - No changes
[0] Time to build 100 projects: 1598.5466ms
[1] Time to build 100 projects: 1558.85ms
[2] Time to build 100 projects: 1528.7022ms
[3] Time to build 100 projects: 1475.9761ms
[4] Time to build 100 projects: 1542.7226ms
Build Root - No Changes
[0] Time to build 1 projects: 170.2991ms
[1] Time to build 1 projects: 155.3358ms
[2] Time to build 1 projects: 143.5088ms
[3] Time to build 1 projects: 160.9169ms
[4] Time to build 1 projects: 146.1304ms
Build Root - 1 C# file changed in root
[0] Time to build 1 projects: 155.7713ms
[1] Time to build 1 projects: 141.6611ms
[2] Time to build 1 projects: 153.7697ms
[3] Time to build 1 projects: 168.6773ms
[4] Time to build 1 projects: 155.2992ms
Build All - 1 C# file changed in leaf
[0] Time to build 100 projects: 1533.7444ms
[1] Time to build 100 projects: 1557.8705ms
[2] Time to build 100 projects: 1588.6562ms
[3] Time to build 100 projects: 1557.4441ms
[4] Time to build 100 projects: 1575.8741ms


This software is released under the BSD-Clause 2 license.


Alexandre Mutel aka xoofx.