
an online photo gallery and slide show based on the google web toolkit

Primary LanguageJava

GWTPhotoAlbum is a free (Apache 2.0 License) AJAX library for an online photo gallery and slide show.

Project website: https://github.com/jecki/gwtphotoalbum

(Former project website: http://code.google.com/p/gwtphotoalbum/)

Copyright 2008-2015 Eckhart Arnold (eckhart_arnold@yahoo.de).

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


  1. Uses the full browser window size, i.e. automatic resizing of images depending on screen size and connection speed.

  2. Highly configurable, i.e. different layouts for the slide show, embeddable in html pages

  3. Supports the display of image captions

  4. Realized in the Java language using google web toolkit; sources are well documented (ahm, mostly well documented that is ;) ) and easy to adapt to different needs

  5. comes with a few python scripts and a simple gui front end that make creating an online photo album from a collection of images extremely easy

  6. comes with plugins for photo album managing software like KDE digikam.

  7. allows the creation of a javascript free html-only version alongside the AJAX photoalbum to which the browser is automatically redirected if it does not support javascript

  8. Supports all majow browsers: Firefox 2.0 and higher, Opera 9.5 and higher, Internet Explorer 7 and higher, Safari 3 and higher, Google Chrome; (unfortunately it does not work with the KDE-Konqueror browser :( )

  9. Rudimentary touch screen support.

How to start from here:

First, you may want to look at an example to see what it looks like:


If you want to create your own album, run the program "GWTPhotoAlbumCreator.py" from the "scripts" subdirectory which leads you through the creation of a photo album in a similar manner as the well known "assistants" of popular office suites.

IMPORTANT: Before you can run "GWTPhotoAlbumCreator.py" the following software must be installed on your system first:

Python 2.6 or higher (www.python.org) The python imaging library PIL (http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/) The pyexiv2 library (http://tilloy.net/dev/pyexiv2/)

How to use the sources:

If you want to use GWTPhotoAlbum in your own AJAX projects, you can browse the source code in the "src/de.eckhartarnold.client" directory. Please read "INSTALL.txt" for for information on how to compile and use GWTPhotoAlbum. Further documentation can be found in the documentation directory. The javadocs of the AJAX part of GWTPhotoAlbum can be found in the sub-directory "documentation/javadocs".