This is a quick test to check how the new puppet module for es works. It installs java by itself.
NOTES on the module WE ARE USING (not us):
Installing or removing a plugin later doesn't seem to works
Reverting the version doesn't seem to work
Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: unsupported release xenial at /etc/puppet/environments/development/modules/java/manifests/params.pp:49 on node xxx
NO PARAMS (just pass them to init)
Test kitchen works in two steps: first you need to converge (it will boot the machine and provision it with the provisioner of choice), second you need to verify (apply the test suit). You will usually converge when you change the puppet and verify after every converge or when adding new tests. No need to converge if you only add tests.
"The concept behind Test Kitchen is that it allows you
to provision (convergence testing) an environment on a given platform
(or platforms) and then execute a suite of tests to verify the environment has
been set up as expected. But, as with software, you need to write effective
tests – not just the assert(true) tests I see all too often." -
This framework use test kitchen. All you have to run here for this project is
kitchen command_1
kitchen command_x
If you want to know more about test kitchen then visit
If you don't want to run all the tests, don't hack the main .kitchen.yml! Instead create a simpler .kitchen.local.yml to override it. To see and example of an override it just rename the file .kitchen.local.yml.example to .kitchen.local.yml.
To run all the test I would advice a machine with a lot of bandwidth and memory.
To make the testing work you need to have installed locally:
- docker
- a ruby env (possibly 2.4.0-dev)
Install all the test-kitchen dependencies run:
$ bundle install
To check which ruby version you are using (only works with rbenv):
$ rbenv global
You can see the status of test-kitchen with:
$ kitchen list
Instance Driver Provisioner Verifier Transport Last Action
default-ubuntu Docker PuppetApply Shell Ssh Verified
It's a little starnge to login via test-kitchen in a docker container. The usual kitchen login command doesn't work. There is a script to do just that already in the repo. If you have this machine:
$ kitchen list
Instance Driver Provisioner Verifier Transport Last Action
solrcloud5-standalone-ubuntu-1404 Docker PuppetApply Shell Ssh Verified
Do the following:
$ ./utilities/ solrcloud5-standalone-ubuntu-1404
spawn kitchen login solrcloud5-standalone-ubuntu-1404
Last login: Wed Sep 21 11:38:36 2016 from
It should login automatically. Use it from the root dir of this module.
puppet-lint --no-autoloader_layout-check --FIX manifests/* && \
puppet-lint --no-autoloader_layout-check --FIX test/\*.pp && \
rake rubocop:auto_correct
puppet-lint --no-autoloader_layout-check manifests/* && \
puppet-lint --no-autoloader_layout-check test/\*.pp && \
rake validate
rake rubocop
kitchen converge -c 999 && kitchen verify -c 999