
Binary Trees and traversal in Haskell

Primary LanguageHaskell

Binary Trees in Haskell

Tree data structure, and tree depth function taken from futurelearn

A tree can be empty, or it can be a node with a left and right subtree as its children


An array is returned containing the traversal order

  • In order
  • Pre order
  • Post order


  • Insert tree toInsert Insert toInsert as a leaf into the binary search tree tree
  • createBST xs Create a binary search tree whose keys are the values of array xs
  • createBST' tree xs Create a binary search tree given an existing tree tree and insert the values of array xs as its key
  • rotateLeft tree rotate the tree tree to the left along the root node
  • rotateRight tree rotate the tree tree to the right along the root node
  • minimumBST tree return the minimum element in the tree tree
  • maximumBST tree return the maximum element in the tree tree


  • GHC 8.6.5