Copyright: Jedd Rashbrooke, 2011. Released under the GPL v2 or later at your preference. Contents: 1. Overview 2. Prerequisites 3. Installation and configuration 4. Usage / workflow 1. Overview Phoko is a PHP / web application that is useful if (and only if) you currently use KPhotoAlbum to manage your photo collection, and want an easy way of publishing some of your photos to the web. To be crystal clear - if you don't use KPhotoAlbum, this isn't of any use to you at all. Seriously. None. Phoko is a display-only gallery. There are no facilities to add tags, change image information, or for users to add comments. 2. Prerequisites KDE's KPhotoAlbum application ( ). As above, this is the tagging and management system that Phoko relies upon. Apache/PHP, with php5 modules for imagick, gd (at least). 3. Installation and configuration 3.1 Grab the software Best way is using git, as described on the project web site. Go into your web root, and then run: git clone You can later update with 'git pull', of course. 3.2 Set up the cache sub-directories. We need some world (or at least apache-user) writable directories - at the moment the former is easier, so: cd phoko ./ 3.3 Fix up .htaccess I apologies for this - it's a bizarre CodeIgniter-ism that I haven't worked out yet. The .htaccess has, on the last line, the path that I use. We need a .htaccess to get rid of CI's 'index.php' that would otherwise appear in every URL. You just need to edit that last line of .htaccess It's currently set to: RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /~jedd/phoko/index.php/$1 [L] If you are not using a ~/user/ directory under Apache, then this line usuall works just fine - so try this first: RewriteRule ^(.*)$ ./index.php/$1 [L] 3.4 Configure the configuration file Pretty much all the useful configuration stuff is done in phoko/app/config/phoko.php It is *heavily* documented inline, so just work through it and change the things it says desperately need changing, and try not to change the things that it says will likely break if you sneeze near them. The really important things are: repository - where it can find your KPA index.xml basically publish_keyword - the magic tag that will publish an image category_abbreviations - IFF you have custom categories shoosh_tags - if you want to hide any tags And that should be it at this end - you should be able to see it in your web browser, though it will be empty until you've added the publish_keyword (as above) to a few of the images in your KPhotoAlbum collection *and* saved. 4. Usage / workflow 4.1 Basic usage Go into KPhotoAlbum and tag a few images with your nominated tag ($publish_keyword, as defined in config/phoko.php) and then browse to your URL, and wait for the server to thumbnail the first 7 images, and generate a medium-sized version of your first image. 4.2 Showing your gallery on a box that doesn't contain your images This is how I use the application mostly - though on my dev machine (my main desktop) of course I have the full set of images. I add the PUBLISH tag to images, then browse to the localhost's phoko site, click through to make sure they look okay, and then do an 'rsync -av --delete' of the project dir to my web server(s). This means that on my web server, there is no requirement to have my full gallery collection (about 70GB, so not really feasible to reproduce everywhere). On the web interface, in the footer, far right, there is also a Cache Management link. This will give some stats on number of images - small and large - and any extra images that are no longer part of the PUBLISH set. There's also a link in that page to create any out-standing cache files, and clean up the extras. It's worth doing this before you do the rsync, so you can be sure you've got all the thumbs and cached images actually present. 4.3 Customising the 'how to use this gallery' image I've shipped my how_to_use_this_gallery.xcf - a GIMP native format file that has two layers - one showing the arrows and text describing what's what, and the other is the actual screen shot of a gallery page. You can easily make your own screen shot, adjust to size, then layer that into the GIMP image, adjust any text as you see fit, and then export that as the how_to_use_this_gallery.png files into the theme/ subdirectories. 5. Problems, bugs, feature requests, words of praise? You can hit the project page to find out how to contact me, if you have any problems or suggestions on ways of improving this documentation or the application.