- 0
- 0
Bug: `updateQuery` doesn't work on array of objects
#163 opened by lizarusi - 0
LazyQueryResult.Js_.classify does not classify QueryResult properly
#161 opened by illusionalsagacity - 1
- 3
Support rescript 10
#149 opened by salemkode - 1
- 1
Is it possible to remove react and rescript-react as dependencies for this to work?
#148 opened by JasoonS - 6
- 0
Getting Jest tests to ignore module
#146 opened by LukasDeco - 2
support to nextjs ?
#145 opened by enieber - 4
How do I use the InMemoryCache's FieldMergeFunction?
#143 opened by dfalling - 1
Support for RefetchQueriesFunction
#142 opened by maarekj - 2
Fetching fragment along with other fields
#139 opened by Arnarkari93 - 1
@apollo/client 3.5 features
#137 opened by illusionalsagacity - 0
- 3
- 4
MockedProvider bindings
#112 opened by Arnarkari93 - 5
Subscription resends the same response
#109 opened by Pet3ris - 2
- 0
- 4
Nullable field being discarded from mutation
#130 opened by dfalling - 3
- 3
EOL for ppx in rescript
#127 opened by AlexMoutonNoble - 4
nextFetchPolicy prop missing from QueryHookOptions
#115 opened by jovanbaj - 6
RetryLink and OnError Handling issue
#116 opened by jeong-sik - 2
Link headers
#117 opened by dkruk - 22
- 4
fetchMore executing request multiple times
#88 opened by Laegel - 2
- 3
pollInterval None should cancel polling?
#102 opened by AlexMoutonNoble - 3
- 6
Usage without React?
#103 opened by idkjs - 2
"fetch" not defined when using Jest tests
#106 opened by Pet3ris - 3
- 1
How do I get a query definition as a string?
#101 opened by Arnarkari93 - 2
Passing explicit Null as Mutation parameter
#95 opened by varstos - 2
Bug in ensureApolloError
#96 opened by maarekj - 9
ReScript Apollo Client?
#58 opened by jeddeloh - 4
Convert `@module("@apollo/client/utilities")` into `@module("@apollo/client") @scope("utilites")`
#82 opened by JasoonS - 4
- 1
Mutation example
#77 opened by a-c-sreedhar-reddy - 2
Why records instead of Variants?
#76 opened by a-c-sreedhar-reddy - 2
- 9
Change graphql tag after build
#70 opened by Faliszek - 1
- 3
Undefined network status causes runtime errors
#68 opened by lucas-teks - 3
Add "extensions" to GraphQLError type
#60 opened by kgoggin - 4
Use Js.Nullable.t
#59 opened by celsobonutti - 3
Managing Local State
#54 opened by idkjs - 4
Useing ApolloClient.useMutation()
#51 opened by idkjs