
Emulator for 6809 CPU based system like Dragon 32 / CoCo written in Python...

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Dragon/CoCO emulator written in Python

DragonPy is a Open source (GPL v3 or later) emulator for the old (1981) homecomputer Dragon 32 and Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer (CoCo)...

The MC6809 project is used to emulate the 6809 CPU.

tests codecov dragonpy @ PyPi Python Versions License GPL-3.0-or-later

Dragon 32 with CPython 3 under Linux:

screenshot Dragon 32

Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer 2b with CPython 2 under Windows:

screenshot CoCo under Windows

(Note: Python 2 support was removed)

DragonPy is written in Python. It's platform independent and runs with Python and PyPy under Linux/Windows/OSX/... It's tested with Python 3.x, PyPy

DragonPy will not be a second XRoar written in Python. This project is primarily to lean and understand.

Future goals are:

  • Implement a integrated development environment for BASIC programs

A full featured Dragon / CoCo emulator is XRoar.

Current state

The Dragon 32 / 64 and CoCo ROMs works in Text mode. Also the "single board computer" ROMs sbc09, Simple6809 and Multicomp6809 works well.

There is a rudimentary BASIC editor with save/load BASIC programm listings direct into RAM.

Looks like this:

old screenshot BASIC Editor (older version of the editor)


The Vectrex (Wikipedia) is a vector display-based video game console. The Hardware are only the 6809 CPU, a 6522 Versatile Interface Adapter and the AY-3-8912 sound chip.

Current state is completely not usable. The 6522 is only a dummy implementation. It makes only sense to display some trace lines, e.g.:

.../DragonPy$ poetry run DragonPy --verbosity 0 --machine=Vectrex run --trace --max_ops=1

BASIC Editor

Use "BASIC editor / open" in the main menu to open the editor.

You can load/save ASCII .bas files from you local drive or just type a BASIC listing ;) With "inject into DragonPy" you send the current listing from the Editor to the Emulator and with "load from DragonPy" back from emulator to editor. Note: The is currently no "warning" that un-saved content will be "overwritten" and there is no "auto-backup" ;)

The "renumbering" tool can be found in the editor window under "tools"

You can also run the BASIC Editor without the Emulator:

.../DragonPy$ make editor
# or:
.../DragonPy$ poetry run DragonPy editor

A rudimentary BASIC source code highlighting is available and looks like this:

screenshot BASIC Editor

Special feature: The Line number that are used in GOTO, SOGUB etc. are extra marked on the left side.


IMPORTANT: The PyPi package name is DragonPyEmulator and not only "DragonPy"!!!

pip install DragonPyEmulator

from source

~$ git clone https://github.com/jedie/DragonPy.git
~$ cd DragonPy/
~/DragonPy$ ./cli.py --help

The output of ./cli.py --help looks like:

Usage: ./cli.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --help      Show this message and exit.                                                          │
╭─ Commands ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ download-roms       Download/Test only ROM files                                                 │
│ editor              Run only the BASIC editor                                                    │
│ gui                 <<< **start this** - Start the DragonPy tkinter starter GUI                  │
│ log-list            List all exiting loggers and exit.                                           │
│ run                 Run a machine emulation                                                      │
│ version             Print version and exit                                                       │

The output of ./cli.py run --help looks like:

Usage: ./cli.py run [OPTIONS]

 Run a machine emulation

╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --verbosity           INTEGER RANGE [0<=x<=3]              Verbosity level; Accepts integer      │
│                                                            value e.g.: "--verbose 2" or can be   │
│                                                            count e.g.: "-vv"                     │
│                                                            [default: 0; 0<=x<=3]                 │
│ --trace/--no-trace                                         Create trace lines                    │
│                                                            [default: no-trace]                   │
│ --max-ops             INTEGER                              If given: Stop CPU after given cycles │
│                                                            else: run forever                     │
│ --machine             [CoCo2b|Dragon32|Dragon64|Multicomp  Used machine configuration            │
│                       6809|Simple6809|Vectrex|sbc09]       [default: Dragon32]                   │
│ --help                                                     Show this message and exit.           │

Usage e.g.:

~/DragonPy$ ./cli.py run
~/DragonPy$ ./cli.py editor


All needed ROM files, will be downloaded automatically.

The files will be downloaded from:

Machine download url
Dragon 32 + 64 http://archive.worldofdragon.org/archive/index.php?dir=Software/Dragon/Dragon%20Data%20Ltd/Dragon%20Firmware/
CoCo 2b http://www.roust-it.dk/coco/roms/
Multicomp http://searle.x10host.com/Multicomp/index.html
Simple6809 http://searle.x10host.com/6809/Simple6809.html

sbc09 and Vectrex ROMs are included.

All ROM files and download will be checked by SHA1 value, before use.


Please use dev-cli.py for development.

The output of ./dev-cli.py --help looks like:

Usage: ./dev-cli.py [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --help      Show this message and exit.                                                          │
╭─ Commands ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ check-code-style            Check code style by calling darker + flake8                          │
│ coverage                    Run tests and show coverage report.                                  │
│ fix-code-style              Fix code style of all cli_base source code files via darker          │
│ install                     Run pip-sync and install 'cli_base' via pip as editable.             │
│ mypy                        Run Mypy (configured in pyproject.toml)                              │
│ publish                     Build and upload this project to PyPi                                │
│ safety                      Run safety check against current requirements files                  │
│ test                        Run unittests                                                        │
│ tox                         Run tox                                                              │
│ update                      Update "requirements*.txt" dependencies files                        │
│ update-readme-history       Update project history base on git commits/tags in README.md         │
│ update-test-snapshot-files  Update all test snapshot files (by remove and recreate all snapshot  │
│                             files)                                                               │
│ version                     Print version and exit                                               │

Run tests, e.g.:

~/DragonPy$ ./dev-cli.py coverage
# or just:
~/DragonPy$ ./dev-cli.py test
# or with different Python versions:
~/DragonPy$ ./dev-cli.py tox

more screenshots

"sbc09" ROM in Tkinter window:

screenshot sbc09

"Simple6809" ROM in Tkinter window:

screenshot simple6809

Dragon Keyboard

The keyboard mapping is stored into dragonpy/Dragon32/keyboard_map.py.

Some notes:

  • "CLEAR" is mapped to "Home" / "Pos 1" key
  • "BREAK" is mapped to "Escape" button
  • "LEFT" is mapped to left cursor key and to normal backspace, too.

A "auto shift" mode is implemented. So normal lowercase letters would be automaticly converted to uppercase letters.

paste clipboard

It is possible to paste the content of the clipboard as user input in the machine. Just copy (Ctrl-C) the follow content:

10 CLS
20 FOR I = 0 TO 255:
30 POKE 1024+(I*2),I
50 I$ = INKEY$:IF I$="" THEN 50

Focus the DragonPy window and use Ctrl-V to paste the content.

Looks like:


Then just RUN and then it looks like this:


DragonPy schematic

        Main Thread                                     Sub Thread
       (Tkinter GUI)
    +------------------+                         +---------------------+
    |                  |                         |                     |
    | +-------------+  |  CPU cycles/sec queue   |                     |
    | |            <------------------------------------+6809 CPU      |
    | |             |  |                         |       +     ^       |
    | |     GUI     |  |                         |       |     |       |
    | |             |  | Display RAM write queue |    +--v-----+--+    |
    | |  .--------------------------------------------+   Memory  |    |
    | |  |          |  |                         |    +--+-----^--+    |
    | |  |          |  |                         |       |     |       |
    | |  |          |  |                         | +-----v-----+-----+ |
    | |  |          |  |                         | |    Periphery    | |
    | |  |          |  |     Keyboard queue      | |   MC6883 SAM    | |
    | |  |          +--------------------------------->MC6821 PIA    | |
    | |  |          |  |                         | |                 | |
    | +--+-----^----+  |                         | |                 | |
    |    |     |       |                         | +-----------------+ |
    |    |     |       |                         |                     |
    | +--v-----+----+  |                         |                     |
    | |             |  |                         |                     |
    | |   Display   |  |                         |                     |
    | |             |  |                         |                     |
    | +-------------+  |                         |                     |
    +------------------+                         +---------------------+


The current implementation is not really optimized.

With CPython there is round about 490.000 CPU cycles/sec. in console version. This is half as fast as the real Hardware.

With PyPy round about 6.900.000 - 8.000.000 CPU cycles/sec. In other words with PyPy it's 8 times faster as the real Hardware.

e.g. The Dragon 32 6809 machine with a 14.31818 MHz crystal runs with: 0,895MHz (14,31818Mhz/16=0,895MHz) in other words: 895.000 CPU-cycles/sec.


  • implement more Dragon 32 periphery
  • missing 6809 unittests after coverage run:
    • MUL
    • BVS


Some Python/BASIC tools/scripts around Dragon32/64 / CoCo homecomputer.

All script are copyleft 2013-2020 by Jens Diemer and license unter GNU GPL v3 or above, see LICENSE for more details.

Python scripts:

BASIC programms:

Input/Output Tests

/BASIC/InputOutput/keyboard.bas Display memory Locations $0152 - $0159 (Keyboard matrix state table)

Example screenshow with the "Y" key is pressed down. You see that this is saved in $0153:

KeyBoard Screenshot 01

Example with "U" is hold down:

KeyBoard Screenshot 02


Some links:

Source codes:

Dragon 32 resources:


Some code based on:


An Apple ][ emulator in Python


A really cool Dragon / CoCo emulator

included Python modules:


Page output and find dimensions of console.


Motorola S-Record utilities



Dragon/CoCO Python Library


Implementation of the MC6809 CPU in Python


generic syntax highlighter

Make new release

We use cli-base-utilities to generate the history in this README.

To make a new release, do this:

  • Increase your project version number
  • Run tests to update the README
  • commit the changes
  • Create release


  • v0.9.2
    • 2024-04-16 - Bugfix packaging
    • 2024-04-16 - Update requirements and apply manageproject updates
    • 2024-02-09 - Update requirements
    • 2024-01-16 - Update requirements + fix code style
    • 2023-12-17 - Fix code style and typos
    • 2023-12-17 - Don't slow down tests because of mass DEBUG log output
    • 2023-12-17 - Apply manageprojects updates
  • v0.9.1
    • 2023-11-03 - Fix CI
    • 2023-11-03 - Apply manageprojects updates
    • 2023-11-03 - fix test_tokens_in_string()
    • 2023-11-03 - Auto generate README history
    • 2023-11-03 - Use https://github.com/jedie/cli-base-utilities
    • 2023-11-02 - Bump pip from 23.2.1 to 23.3
  • v0.9.0
    • 2023-08-05 - fix publish
    • 2023-08-05 - Split CLI and dev-CLI + remove Python 3.9 support
    • 2023-03-07 - update requirements
    • 2023-03-07 - Update README
  • v0.8.0
    • 2023-03-07 - Update README.md
    • 2023-03-06 - Migrate to pip-tools via https://github.com/jedie/manageprojects
    • 2022-10-19 - update requirements
    • 2022-09-11 - Add mandelbrot2.bas
    • 2022-09-11 - Add mandelbrot1.bas listing
    • 2022-08-22 - README.creole -> README.md + update requirements + add some tests
    • 2022-08-22 - cache ~/.cache/
    • 2022-08-22 - don't delete ROM files in tests
    • 2022-08-22 - small code style updates
    • 2022-08-22 - project updates
    • 2022-02-01 - Move click cli commands to devshell
    • 2022-01-31 - +'pip cache information'
    • 2022-01-31 - fix code style
    • 2022-01-31 - Temporary speedup github actions by make the matix smaller ;)
    • 2022-01-31 - Remove linting action -> Obsolete because linting is done via pytest plugin
    • 2022-01-31 - Download ROMs before starting tests (should be cached)
    • 2022-01-31 - Deny any requests in tests via autouse pytest fixtures
    • 2022-01-31 - Display output on error
    • 2022-01-31 - Bugfix: Exist on CLI usage
    • 2022-01-30 - remove a PytestCollectionWarning
    • 2022-01-30 - Fix code styles
    • 2022-01-30 - update utils.py
    • 2022-01-30 - fix format
    • 2022-01-30 - fix meta config stuff
    • 2022-01-30 - Refacotor "download_roms" from old CLI into a dev-shell command
    • 2022-01-30 - remove nose test from CLI
    • 2022-01-30 - Use dev-shell
    • 2022-01-30 - Cache pip+roms
Expand older history entries ...
  • v0.7.0
    • 2020-10-01 - update README
    • 2020-10-01 - Update windows tk work-a-round: pypa/virtualenv#93
    • 2020-10-01 - update vectrex
    • 2020-10-01 - Bugfix "--max_ops" cli options
    • 2020-10-01 - Update ROM download URLs for CoCo2b, Multicomp6809 and Simple6809
    • 2020-10-01 - Update Dragon 32/64 ROM download urls
    • 2020-10-01 - Bugfix rom download error handling
    • 2020-10-01 - Handle ROM download errors
    • 2020-10-01 - add more "make" targets
    • 2020-10-01 - WIP: fix github actions
    • 2020-10-01 - add "make run" to start the GUI
    • 2020-10-01 - Remove Python 2 code + Fix code style and most of the flake8 errors
    • 2020-10-01 - update requirements
    • 2020-10-01 - add "make update"
    • 2020-02-10 - Update pythonapp.yml
    • 2020-02-10 - apply pyupgrate + code style
    • 2020-02-10 - apply code style
    • 2020-02-10 - fixup! remove bootstrap files
    • 2020-02-10 - run 2to3 and make minimal updates to get the tests running and pass
    • 2020-02-10 - remove bootstrap files
    • 2020-02-10 - WIP: modernize project setup
  • v0.6.0
    • 2018-06-19 - Fix "No module named 'nose'" on normal PyPi installation
    • 2018-06-19 - +build.log
    • 2018-06-19 - https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ -> https://pypi.org/project/
    • 2018-06-19 - +python-creole
    • 2018-06-19 - +twine
    • 2018-06-19 - update setup.py publish code
    • 2018-06-19 - Update README.creole
    • 2016-08-22 - fix screenshot links
    • 2016-08-22 - update boot file
    • 2016-08-22 - bugfix in git url
    • 2015-10-20 - update readme/version number
    • 2015-10-19 - update mc6809 req.
    • 2015-10-19 - update Simple6809 unittests
    • 2015-10-19 - * changed name of machine in comments
    • 2015-10-19 - * some more bugfixes
    • 2015-10-18 - * corrected error when trying to write to ROM * small fixes to be able to run Simple6809
    • 2015-09-03 - changes for new mc6809 register API
    • 2015-09-03 - changed in MC6809
    • 2015-08-31 - add 'nosetest' to cli (used by MC6809)
  • v0.5.3
    • 2015-08-24 - Update README, release as v0.5.3
    • 2015-08-24 - last versions are needed
    • 2015-08-24 - Update "speed limit" stuff. TODO: refactor this completely!
    • 2015-08-24 - Update .travis.yml
    • 2015-08-21 - fix unittest in py2
  • v0.5.2
    • 2015-08-21 - update README and release as v0.5.2
    • 2015-08-21 - Better starter solution, squashed commit of the following:
    • 2015-08-20 - remove obsolete scripts
    • 2015-08-20 - Add run 'MC6809 benchmark' button
    • 2015-08-19 - update README
  • v0.5.1
    • 2015-08-19 - bugfix e.g.: keyboard input in "sbc09" emulation
    • 2015-08-19 - add a note for "png font parser code" remove, see:
    • 2015-08-19 - remove font generator code
    • 2015-08-19 - fix doctest
    • 2015-08-19 - remove own copy of png.py
    • 2015-08-19 - updates/cleanup/remove obsolete code
    • 2015-08-19 - run tests also with PyPy3
    • 2015-08-19 - use nose to run unittests
    • 2015-08-19 - move "create statusbar"
    • 2015-08-19 - Add a button to "run only BASIC editor" and display python version info
    • 2015-08-19 - +=== requirement
    • 2015-08-19 - remove test_run()
    • 2015-08-19 - add a "starter GUI" + work-a-round for tkinter usage with virtualenv under windows
    • 2015-08-18 - PyPi package name is: "DragonPyEmulator" !
    • 2015-08-18 - cleanup list
  • v0.5.0
    • 2015-08-18 - WIP: add compare links
    • 2015-08-18 - update setup "publish" from:
    • 2015-08-18 - use branches blacklist
    • 2015-08-18 - refactory ROM downloads:
    • 2015-08-17 - update to new bootstrap_env API
    • 2015-08-17 - Update README.creole
    • 2015-06-09 - update bootstrap
  • v0.4.0
    • 2015-05-26 - -travis-pro
    • 2015-05-26 - Bugfix components imports
    • 2015-05-26 - recover old files from 2ec642f412caf8e30da1489617b9e8448a899c63
    • 2015-05-26 - download ROMs so every tests can be run
    • 2015-05-26 - used recovered rom.py
    • 2015-05-26 - recover old rom.py file from:
    • 2015-05-26 - nicer test call
    • 2015-05-26 - update travis config
    • 2015-05-26 - use setup.py entry_points for dragonpy.core.cli
    • 2015-05-26 - +wheel & update bootstrap file
    • 2015-05-26 - relase as 0.4.0
    • 2015-05-26 - add publish
    • 2015-05-26 - MC6809
    • 2015-05-26 - remove 6809 stuff and use https://github.com/6809/MC6809
    • 2015-05-20 - Add help text
    • 2015-05-20 - remove PyDev configs
    • 2015-05-20 - update shell startup scripts
    • 2015-05-20 - update README
    • 2015-05-20 - Add better error messages
    • 2015-05-20 - Update README.creole
    • 2015-05-20 - update travis-ci.org config
    • 2015-05-20 - move/rename cli code adn remove obsolete code
    • 2015-05-20 - Bugfix CLI and tests for it
    • 2015-05-20 - update bootstrap
    • 2015-05-20 - reanem Click -> click
    • 2015-01-28 - start to reimplement the CLI with "Click"
    • 2015-01-28 - Add bootstrap files - TODO: Update README ;)
  • v0.3.2
    • 2014-12-15 - use pygments syntax highlighter in BASIC editor
    • 2014-12-06 - Update .travis.yml
    • 2014-12-06 - Update README.creole
    • 2014-11-13 - 'dragonlib' as dependency
    • 2014-11-13 - outsource dragonlib:
    • 2014-11-13 - move LOG_LEVELS
  • v0.3.1
    • 2014-10-08 - Bugfix for ReSt
    • 2014-10-08 - update README
    • 2014-10-08 - Add a setup.cfg
    • 2014-09-30 - Bugfix copy&paste: e.g.: double paste
    • 2014-09-30 - WIP: BASIC editor: reformat code
    • 2014-09-30 - add more info
    • 2014-09-30 - Bugfix
    • 2014-09-30 - add some alive "loading..." info
    • 2014-09-30 - use tkinter event.keysym for special keys
    • 2014-09-30 - WIP: TextHighlight
    • 2014-09-30 - add copy&paste in BASIC editor
    • 2014-09-30 - Bugfix renum tool + renum INVADER.bas
    • 2014-09-30 - PY3 bugfix
    • 2014-09-30 - activate undo in BASIC editor
    • 2014-09-30 - More enhanced "display tokens" in editor
    • 2014-09-30 - Bugfix if line number > $ff
    • 2014-09-30 - Add a more informative "display tokens" window
    • 2014-09-30 - Display also datum
    • 2014-09-29 - Add vertical scrollbar to basic editor and disable wrap
    • 2014-09-29 - add origin INVADER.bas from Jim Gerrie:
    • 2014-09-29 - don't open settings dialog
    • 2014-09-29 - moved BASIC files
    • 2014-09-29 - display more info on overflow error
    • 2014-09-29 - move BASIC programs
    • 2014-09-14 - ignore lines without address
    • 2014-09-14 - Bugfix: Handle lines without CC e.g.: [RESET], [IRQ]
    • 2014-07-31 - Update README.creole
    • 2014-07-31 - add /InputOutput/keyboard.bas
    • 2014-07-26 - WIP: xroar GDB
    • 2014-07-12 - add "--add_cc"
    • 2014-07-10 - WIP
    • 2014-07-10 - new filter: "filter_xroar_trace.py --start-stop=8c37-91c1"
    • 2014-07-10 - add "filter_xroar_trace.py --unique" function
    • 2014-07-10 - Display status on live filtering
    • 2014-07-10 - Use a simple cache for big speedup.
    • 2014-07-09 - add "add_info_in_trace.py"
    • 2014-07-09 - add live filter
    • 2014-07-09 - Add CLI to xroar filter script and add README
    • 2014-07-09 - WIP: xroar trace filter script.
    • 2014-07-08 - WIP: FPA0 test
    • 2014-06-27 - update TST
    • 2014-06-27 - Add NEGA test
    • 2013-10-25 - add CC test with LSL
    • 2013-10-24 - Add CC test with TST
    • 2013-10-24 - update CC test with INC
    • 2013-10-24 - Add CC test with DEC
    • 2013-10-24 - update CC test with SUBA
    • 2013-10-24 - Update CC test with ADDA
    • 2013-10-22 - add gaps to ASCII files
    • 2013-10-22 - nicer output + add screenshot
    • 2013-10-21 - clear CC before INC
    • 2013-10-21 - add a CC test with INC
    • 2013-10-16 - Skip empty lines (e.g. XRoar need a empty line at the end)
    • 2013-10-11 - add two more CC test files
    • 2013-10-11 - "overwrite" prints are faster and nicer ;)
    • 2013-10-11 - add screenshots
    • 2013-10-11 - Add BASIC programm: Test CC Registers
    • 2013-10-04 - start a simple memory hex viewer
    • 2013-09-09 - split output in blocks with a max size of 255Bytes
    • 2013-09-09 - add '--case_convert' cli parameter. See README
    • 2013-09-09 - remove official example
    • 2013-09-09 - * Use one convert() method for all ways. * Move some convert code into Cassette() class * code cleanup * update README
    • 2013-09-09 - remove BASIC code end terminator, seems it's not needed.
    • 2013-09-09 - Bugfixes: * Use GAP-Flag for ASCII BASIC * Don't yield magic byte at block end * Don't yield machine code starting/loading address in BASIC files
    • 2013-09-07 - handle wav/cas with code in more than one block
    • 2013-09-07 - set "machine code start/load address" from filename See: http://archive.worldofdragon.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=4341&p=9094#p9094
    • 2013-09-06 - display more info, if block type unknown.
    • 2013-09-06 - bugfix: .cas file must not have leadin bytes between blocks.
    • 2013-09-06 - log.info: gap flag / machine code starting/loading address
    • 2013-09-06 - Binary machine code file is 0x02 and not 0xff, isn't it?
    • 2013-09-06 - bugfix if only bit 1 or bit 0 found.
    • 2013-09-06 - Add Frequency of bit 1 / 0 in cli
    • 2013-09-02 - use defaults in CLI from config
    • 2013-09-06 - bas2wav works better, but some bugs not fixed, yet...
    • 2013-09-06 - add a "step-by-step" bas2cas unittest
    • 2013-09-06 - add unittests for bas2cas -> cas2bas
    • 2013-09-06 - cleanup imports
    • 2013-09-06 - catch BASIC code end
    • 2013-09-06 - debug block content
    • 2013-09-06 - Bugfix for wrong checksum
    • 2013-09-05 - update cas2bas
    • 2013-09-05 - start cas2bas
    • 2013-09-04 - add bas2cas
    • 2013-09-04 - bugfix in bas2wav, but still don't work, yet :(
    • 2013-09-04 - use duration instead of Hz to trigger bits
    • 2013-09-04 - move min/max Hz to method
    • 2013-09-04 - yield only duration in trigger
    • 2013-08-31 - Display process info while analyze, too.
    • 2013-08-31 - merge --analyze function
    • 2013-08-30 - bugfix: catch IndexError, too.
    • 2013-08-30 - Bugfix: use of logfilename
    • 2013-09-03 - display start/end
    • 2013-08-30 - display absolute wave position
    • 2013-08-30 - implement bas2wave ;) But seems the stream is not valid, yet :(
    • 2013-08-30 - code cleanup
    • 2013-09-03 - better test output
    • 2013-08-30 - consume magic byte in bitstream, too.
    • 2013-09-02 - add working state top master
    • 2013-08-28 - code cleanup: * move some settings into config files * create a wav2bad() function and use it in CLI
    • 2013-08-28 - Display and check the block checksum
    • 2013-08-28 - bigger Sync-Byte search sizes, e.g. for: "Dragon Data Ltd - Examples from the Manual - 39~58 [run].wav"
    • 2013-08-27 - Add a command line interface
    • 2013-08-27 - add a 'average sample' function, but turn it off is the best idea ;)
    • 2013-08-27 - Implement a new trigger that works! See: http://www.python-forum.de/viewtopic.php?p=244702#p244702 (de)
    • 2013-08-27 - bit-sync on every block start
    • 2013-08-26 - Many bugfixes. Start implementing code for BAS2WAV, but now only for debugging.
    • 2013-08-26 - Works as stream processing, but only with "HelloWorld1 xroar.wav", yet.
    • 2013-08-26 - commit broken state
    • 2013-08-25 - commit current broken state
    • 2013-08-25 - bugfix if wave is in 8-bit
    • 2013-08-23 - current state with "auto sync"
    • 2013-08-23 - Use a 'text level meter' for better debugging
    • 2013-08-22 - current broken state
    • 2013-08-22 - sync works, but useless?
    • 2013-08-22 - add a new implementation of wave2bitstream like a schmitt trigger
    • 2013-08-21 - check block_length in BASIC code parsing
    • 2013-08-21 - ASCII BASIC parser works now.
    • 2013-08-20 - start to support ASCII BASIC files, but not done, yet.
    • 2013-08-20 - bytes2codeline(): even easier
    • 2013-08-20 - move files
    • 2013-08-20 - Initial commit
    • 2013-08-20 - Handle pointer and line numbers in the right way.
    • 2013-08-20 - use array instead of struct.unpack for getting wave values
    • 2013-08-19 - Use MAX_HZ_VARIATION to seperate bit 1 or bit 0 display some statistics of bit detection
    • 2013-08-18 - refactor reading
    • 2013-08-18 - support 32Bit wave files, too. Why? Don't know... ;)
    • 2013-08-18 - bugfix in unpack wav frames
    • 2013-08-18 - Speedup by reading WAVE in blocks
    • 2013-08-18 - handle 'function tokens'
    • 2013-08-18 - add status while reading WAV file.
    • 2013-08-17 - parse the file content. Put data into objects.
    • 2013-08-17 - add a filename block class
    • 2013-08-17 - remove unused code
    • 2013-08-16 - Use sync byte to get the real start of a block. Get and use block type/size, too.
    • 2013-08-16 - Add BASIC_TOKENS dict and use it. Add TEST_STR and try to find it.
    • 2013-08-16 - I see a HELLO WORLD! ;)
    • 2013-08-15 - cut out the relevant data
    • 2013-08-15 - add a script to convert dragon 32 Cassetts WAV files into plain text.
  • v0.3.0
    • 2014-09-25 - Bugfix sbc09 unittest
    • 2014-09-25 - Update README
    • 2014-09-25 - Reimplement SBC09 ;)
    • 2014-09-25 - Split Op data - Squashed commit of the following:
    • 2014-09-24 - Disable some log output and update pypy win batches
    • 2014-09-24 - display_queue -> display_callback
    • 2014-09-22 - code cleanup and disable some log output
    • 2014-09-22 - move ROM load code
    • 2014-09-22 - code cleanup
    • 2014-09-22 - log only missing ROM files.
    • 2014-09-22 - file rename and remove obsolete files
    • 2014-09-22 - move CPU utils
    • 2014-09-22 - use COUNT variable
    • 2014-09-22 - add some windows startup batches
    • 2014-09-22 - update direct test
    • 2014-09-22 - Don't raise error, if dump doesn't include address...
    • 2014-09-22 - update unittest
    • 2014-09-22 - move MC6809data
    • 2014-09-22 - ignore .idea/*
    • 2014-09-22 - update to new API
    • 2014-09-22 - Better default log formatter
    • 2014-09-22 - less logging output
    • 2014-09-18 - Bugfix unittest
    • 2014-09-18 - Update CLI unittest
    • 2014-09-18 - Quick work-a-round for unittests
    • 2014-09-18 - update test_run()
    • 2014-09-18 - display more info if e.g. the ROM loaded into a wrong area
    • 2014-09-18 - reimplement Multicomp 6809 !
    • 2014-09-18 - abort if ROM file missing
    • 2014-09-18 - change logging setup
    • 2014-09-14 - nicer log output
    • 2014-09-14 - updat etimer test script
    • 2014-09-14 - Bugfix for IRQ:
    • 2014-09-14 - Update README, see also:
  • v0.2.0
    • 2014-09-14 - Release v0.2.0
    • 2014-09-14 - set default directory in editor + display filename in title
    • 2014-09-14 - bugfix runtime
    • 2014-09-13 - display python version info in status line
    • 2014-09-13 - code cleanup
    • 2014-09-13 - bugfix for Py2
    • 2014-09-13 - add python major version number to pickle files
    • 2014-09-13 - update linux dev scripts
    • 2014-09-13 - Update unittests in dragonlib, too.
    • 2014-09-13 - reimplement: Run CPU not faster than given speedlimit
    • 2014-09-13 - update unitests
    • 2014-09-13 - bugfix six.moves.xrange
    • 2014-09-13 - remove old multiprocessing files
    • 2014-09-13 - use xrange from six.py
    • 2014-09-13 - --version for python 2 and 3
    • 2014-09-12 - replace own lib2and3 with six
    • 2014-09-12 - WIP: refactor logging usage
    • 2014-09-12 - WIP: cpu run
    • 2014-09-11 - WIP: A new, KISS solution?
    • 2014-09-11 - doesnt needed
    • 2014-09-11 - Start, refactoring memory:
    • 2014-09-09 - add more comments into PIA
    • 2014-09-08 - merge code
    • 2014-09-08 - add "target CPU burst loops" to GUI config
    • 2014-09-08 - implement a callback mechanism which trigger the CPU cycles
    • 2014-09-07 - WIP: Implement IRQ
    • 2014-09-08 - log TIMER read/write
    • 2014-09-08 - update CoCo2b to newer API
    • 2014-09-08 - align text to the left
    • 2014-09-08 - see that's running
    • 2014-09-08 - put "max_run_time" also in the config GUI
    • 2014-09-11 - fix ReSt generation?
    • 2014-09-11 - remove obsolete files
    • 2014-09-11 - use array.array("B", ...) for RAM/ROM memory
    • 2014-09-11 - Add callback/middleware tests to write byte, too.
    • 2014-09-11 - better tracebacks by using reraise
    • 2014-09-11 - Bugfix in unittest...
    • 2014-09-10 - Bugfix: reopen config dialog
    • 2014-09-10 - use --verbosity 99 in coco .sh, too
    • 2014-09-09 - add --verbosity 99 to CLI
    • 2014-09-07 - A better speedlimit solution. TODO: Codecleanup
    • 2014-09-07 - WIP: Better speed limit
    • 2014-09-07 - add a not really good working speedlimit
    • 2014-09-05 - update setup.py
  • v0.1.0
    • 2014-09-05 - WIP: Release as v0.1.0
    • 2014-09-05 - include free v09.rom and vectrex ROM
    • 2014-09-05 - move sbc09 rom
    • 2014-09-05 - update sbc09 stuff:
    • 2014-09-05 - Remove Multicomp-/Simple 6809 ROMs and update download script.
    • 2014-09-05 - split download ROMs scripts
    • 2014-09-05 - include scripts
    • 2014-09-05 - skip unittest if ROM files missing
    • 2014-09-05 - ignore /dist/
    • 2014-09-05 - remove obsolete files
    • 2014-09-05 - include some more files
    • 2014-09-05 - Use python-creole to generate ReSt README on the fly, see:
    • 2014-09-05 - bugfix renum
    • 2014-09-05 - move DragonPy commands
    • 2014-09-05 - Faster paste input processing
    • 2014-09-05 - open editor only one time
    • 2014-09-05 - nicer initial position
    • 2014-09-05 - better initial position of the editor window
    • 2014-09-05 - make "BASIC editor" menu entry to a clickable command
    • 2014-09-05 - importand here for Python 2
    • 2014-09-05 - implemend "hard reset"
    • 2014-09-05 - implement CPU soft reset
    • 2014-09-05 - Add CPU pause/resume
    • 2014-09-05 - display "startup XXX..." in status line on start
    • 2014-09-05 - doesn't happen
    • 2014-09-05 - set --loops 10
    • 2014-09-05 - Just add the alternative commented
    • 2014-09-05 - Simple loop optimizing
    • 2014-09-05 - little more information on error
    • 2014-09-04 - Update README.creole
    • 2014-09-04 - update dev .cmd files
    • 2014-09-04 - Work-a-round for https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy/issue/1858/pypy3-localeformat-d-val-1
    • 2014-09-04 - "revered" https://github.com/jedie/DragonPy/commit/803f901a03f55d96d621e3bc266ff0d67d8a6225
    • 2014-09-04 - remove from future import unicode_literals
    • 2014-09-04 - Adjust CPU burst count dynamically.
    • 2014-09-04 - work-a-round for Py2: className can't be unicode
    • 2014-09-04 - unify dev start scripts
    • 2014-09-04 - update unittests
    • 2014-09-04 - remove threading stuff and use only tkinter after
    • 2014-09-04 - change grammar version in PyDev
    • 2014-09-04 - rename basic examples
    • 2014-09-04 - bugfix string.letters vs. string.ascii_letters
    • 2014-09-03 - bugfix cli unittest
    • 2014-09-03 - change print to log output
    • 2014-09-03 - explizit close
    • 2014-09-03 - log.warn() -> log.warning()
    • 2014-09-03 - Update README
    • 2014-09-03 - add a simple CLI test
    • 2014-09-03 - Add a simple benchmark
    • 2014-09-03 - use '{:n}'.format(val) for formating cycles/sec
    • 2014-09-03 - add .pyo
    • 2014-09-03 - code cleanup
    • 2014-09-03 - bugfix if run with -OO
    • 2014-09-03 - format cyltes/sec number (thousands seperator)
    • 2014-09-03 - print all catched Ops vial decorator
    • 2014-09-03 - bugfix running CoCo from CLI
    • 2014-09-03 - use: python -m unittest discover
    • 2014-09-03 - updates: supported Python versions
    • 2014-09-03 - predefine files types in open/save dialog
    • 2014-09-03 - chnages to support python 2 and 3 with the same code
    • 2014-09-03 - changes to run with python2 and future imports
    • 2014-09-03 - just run 2to3 script
    • 2014-09-01 - WIP: port parts from JSVecX by Chris Smith alias raz0red
    • 2014-08-31 - WIP: Just add dummy code for Vectrex
    • 2014-08-28 - nicer colors
    • 2014-08-28 - merge/move BASIC examples files
    • 2014-08-28 - save/restore cursor and scroll position while renumbering
    • 2014-08-28 - split code parts
    • 2014-08-28 - better resize editor
    • 2014-08-28 - comment test code
    • 2014-08-28 - Highlight line numbers and more the just one
    • 2014-08-28 - First, simple code highlighting
    • 2014-08-28 - Don't consume spaces between line number and code
    • 2014-08-28 - highligth the current line in editor
    • 2014-08-28 - Add MultiStatusBar and display current column/line
    • 2014-08-28 - Better "invert shift" solution
    • 2014-08-28 - made BASIC Editor runable via CLI
    • 2014-08-27 - reimplement the CLI, today only for Dragon32/64 and CoCo
    • 2014-08-27 - WIP: move startup code
    • 2014-08-27 - move machine.py
    • 2014-08-27 - typo in README
    • 2014-08-27 - Add "inject + RUN" and output messages via user_input_queue
    • 2014-08-27 - Activate "invert Shift" in BASCI Editor
    • 2014-08-27 - add history to README
    • 2014-08-27 - debug output the addresses in CoCo, too
    • 2014-08-27 - Bugfix: CoCo used the same default start address
    • 2014-08-27 - update CoCo tokens with Extended Color BASIC 1.1
    • 2014-08-27 - Update ROM download stuff:
    • 2014-08-26 - split ROM cfg, so that it can be loaded more than one ROM file:
    • 2014-08-26 - only code formatting
    • 2014-08-26 - Bugfix for machione crash if None would be handled as a byte value
    • 2014-08-26 - Display full traceback if CPU raised a error
    • 2014-08-26 - raise error if perifery return None
    • 2014-08-20 - bugfix example prompt
    • 2014-08-20 - add CoCo info to README
    • 2014-08-20 - enhanced the hex viewer program
    • 2014-08-20 - renumber hex_view01.bas
    • 2014-08-20 - add original Hex Viewer script from:
    • 2014-08-20 - add ListVariables.bas by sorchard
    • 2014-08-20 - CoCo used a other default program start address than dragon
    • 2014-08-20 - "typo"
    • 2014-08-20 - + 0xff80: "SGN"
    • 2014-08-20 - WIP: Support CoCo in editor
    • 2014-08-20 - Add BASIC example programs
    • 2014-08-20 - do the ' <-> :' and ELSE <-> :ELSE replacement internaly
    • 2014-08-20 - Use the new BASIC parser - TODO: Code cleanup!
    • 2014-08-20 - convert line number to int
    • 2014-08-20 - rename format functions
    • 2014-08-20 - add a BASIC parser with unittests
    • 2014-08-20 - code formating
    • 2014-08-18 - Add TODO unittests
    • 2014-08-18 - Better debug output
    • 2014-08-18 - better log output while load/inject BASIC program
    • 2014-08-18 - catch exception in unitest while running CPU
    • 2014-08-18 - handle KeyboardInterrupt in GUI
    • 2014-08-18 - Bugfix: support ON...GOTO and ON...GOSUB in renumbering
    • 2014-08-17 - add another renum unittest +code cleanup
    • 2014-08-17 - add "renumber listing" tool in editor
    • 2014-08-17 - TODO: Don't replace reversed words into tokens in comments and strings.
    • 2014-08-17 - bugfix: 'Cfg' object has no attribute 'memory_word_middlewares'
    • 2014-08-16 - Bugfix in inject BASIC program:
    • 2014-08-16 - Set cursor at start after insert
    • 2014-08-16 - remove edit window border
    • 2014-08-16 - use ScrolledText and implement load/save
    • 2014-08-16 - WIP: move dump/load stuff into editor
    • 2014-08-15 - WIP: split project: BASIC editor
    • 2014-08-15 - WIP: start splitting project: add "dragonlib"
    • 2014-08-14 - disable logging for run all unittests
    • 2014-08-14 - Add extract BASIC program unittest
    • 2014-08-14 - better use X instead of @
    • 2014-08-14 - bugfix unittest init
    • 2014-08-14 - Bugfix: skip unittests if d32.rom not exists
    • 2014-08-14 - Start unittests with Dragon 32 ROM ;)
    • 2014-08-13 - transfert BASIC listing from editor into RAM worked!!!
    • 2014-08-13 - create a base test case only with some assertments
    • 2014-08-13 - move signed routines and...
    • 2014-08-12 - WIP: convert BASIC code to tokens
    • 2014-08-12 - bugfix display BASIC code:
    • 2014-08-11 - WIP: BASIC editor...
    • 2014-08-11 - no highlight border around canvas
    • 2014-08-10 - WIP: GUI communication with CPU
    • 2014-08-10 - add missed rom info
    • 2014-08-08 - rename MC6847_TextModeCanvas
    • 2014-08-08 - add some comments and code cleanup
    • 2014-08-08 - use canvas.itemconfigure() to replace char-images
    • 2014-08-08 - disable PUSH log in CPU
    • 2014-08-08 - add %(processName)s %(threadName)s to default log formatter
    • 2014-08-07 - calculate cycles/sec in GUI
    • 2014-08-07 - WIP: change queue stuff to work also with PyPy
    • 2014-08-07 - move some currently not useable files
    • 2014-08-07 - chnage queue.put_nowait() to queue.put()
    • 2014-08-07 - update root on change and add more log outputs
    • 2014-08-07 - Bugfix: accessing cpu.cycles in CPUStatusThread
    • 2014-08-07 - add DragonPy schematic in README
    • 2014-08-07 - better Queue communication:
    • 2014-08-07 - cleanup machine start stuff
    • 2014-08-07 - reformat code with E124,E128,E301,E309,E501
    • 2014-08-07 - WIP: seperate GUI and machine in different threads
    • 2014-08-07 - move CPU into seperate thread
    • 2014-08-06 - Support CoCo keyboard input!
    • 2014-08-06 - Work-a-round for CoCo input
    • 2014-08-06 - add more coco rom variants
    • 2014-08-06 - Add CoCo ROM into download script
    • 2014-08-06 - add RND() seed debug output also to CoCo config
    • 2014-08-06 - add RND() seed debug output
    • 2014-08-06 - bugfix in memory middleware
    • 2014-08-06 - read first the high-byte
    • 2014-08-06 - Update code around "reset vector":
    • 2014-08-06 - use memory.add_write_byte_middleware() and not a "own display RAM"
    • 2014-08-06 - move periphery memory hocks directly into memory
    • 2014-08-06 - disable keyboard debug middleware in Dragon 32 config
    • 2014-08-06 - rename memory callbacks to middlewares and now they can manipulate the byte
    • 2014-08-05 - WIP: Add CoCo
    • 2014-08-05 - Add info about broken CLI
    • 2014-08-05 - display CPU cycle output in Dragon32
    • 2014-08-05 - Bugfix in sbc09
    • 2014-08-05 - Update Dragon32_test.py + Add machine name in title
    • 2014-08-05 - nicer debug output while paste
    • 2014-08-05 - split cpu loop and status update
    • 2014-08-04 - Add the missing block chars. Add padding direct to the char dict
    • 2014-08-04 - ./Dragon64_test.py worked!
    • 2014-08-04 - ignore *.rom files
    • 2014-08-04 - WIP: save not working state
    • 2014-08-03 - use img.zoom() instead of "own scale"
    • 2014-08-03 - Faster without self.root.update()
    • 2014-08-03 - WIP: Use Tkinter instead of pygame?
    • 2014-08-03 - generate a dict with font info
    • 2014-08-03 - move display_cycle_interval() into CPU
    • 2014-08-03 - update to new API
    • 2014-08-03 - WIP: Split byte/word in periphery
    • 2014-08-03 - add TODO: Use PyGame event.scancode / Tkinter event.keycode constants
    • 2014-08-03 - use auto_shift parameter in test, too.
    • 2014-08-02 - typo in comment
    • 2014-08-02 - add info to Dragon Keyboard
    • 2014-08-02 - bigger font + bugfix in init Display RAM
    • 2014-08-02 - use XRoar colors
    • 2014-08-02 - limit the input queue
    • 2014-08-02 - Force send 'no key pressed' only after a key was pressed.
    • 2014-08-02 - bugfix: Don't sys.exit() so CPU thread tread down
    • 2014-08-02 - add info about Useable RAM sizes
    • 2014-08-02 - bugfix some key mappings
    • 2014-08-02 - Dragon is alive!
    • 2014-08-02 - start with a complete fresh pygame display class
    • 2014-08-02 - WIP: char input
    • 2014-08-01 - toggle key press, so no key will be missed ;)
    • 2014-08-01 - WIP: Keyboard input seems to work basicly!!!
    • 2014-08-01 - WIP: Keyboard input
    • 2014-07-31 - Display "keyboard matrix state" via memory_callbacks
    • 2014-07-30 - just add some more info
    • 2014-07-30 - WIP: Keyboard input to PIA
    • 2014-07-30 - add some information about PIA
    • 2014-07-29 - WIP: PIA PDR
    • 2014-07-29 - WIP: PIA
    • 2014-07-29 - use bit utils in CPU, too.
    • 2014-07-29 - add utilities around bit manipulations
    • 2014-07-28 - WIP: Dragon input
    • 2014-07-28 - use central logger
    • 2014-07-28 - WIP: user input
    • 2014-07-28 - reformat code
    • 2014-07-28 - nicer output ;)
    • 2014-07-28 - bugfix quit pygame
    • 2014-07-28 - add ROM download script and ROM hashes.
    • 2014-07-27 - Quick work-a-round for travis
    • 2014-07-27 - convert dragon charmap
    • 2014-07-27 - WIP: Dragon Text mode with D64
    • 2014-07-25 - WIP: Dragon 32 PIA / SAM
    • 2014-07-25 - Cut PIA mem info
    • 2014-07-25 - Add a Dragon32_test.py
    • 2014-07-24 - update Dragon 32 stuff to new API
    • 2014-07-24 - multiprocessing.JoinableQueue() -> multiprocessing.Queue()
    • 2014-07-24 - update console test
    • 2014-07-24 - reimplement "--display-cycle"
    • 2014-07-24 - work-a-round for double log output
    • 2014-07-24 - Change queue.get() stuff
    • 2014-07-24 - remove concept files
    • 2014-07-23 - remove obsolete text
    • 2014-07-23 - use global log
    • 2014-07-23 - bugfix unittest
    • 2014-07-23 - bugfix Multicomp6809 and abc09 in tk version
    • 2014-07-23 - Use Queue.Queue() in Tk as output buffer
    • 2014-07-23 - Crash because of: yscrollcommand=scollbar.set
    • 2014-07-23 - use multiprocessing.JoinableQueue
    • 2014-07-23 - add names
    • 2014-07-23 - call cpu.quit()
    • 2014-07-23 - WIP: Merge Bus read & write Threads. Use thread.interrupt_main()
    • 2014-07-22 - WIP: KeyboardInterrupt
    • 2014-07-20 - WIP: sbc09 console
    • 2014-07-20 - Bugfix exit all threads/processes
    • 2014-07-20 - don't add more then one log handler
    • 2014-07-18 - unify "running" stuff
    • 2014-07-18 - rename multiprocess files
    • 2014-07-18 - less debug log
    • 2014-07-18 - code cleanup, use Simple6809Cfg as default, add '--dont_open_webbrowser'
    • 2014-07-18 - WIP: Simple6809 is running
    • 2014-07-17 - move CPU into components
    • 2014-07-17 - WIP: split concept code
    • 2014-07-17 - WIP: multiprocessing concept 2
    • 2014-07-17 - WIP: new multiprocessing concept
    • 2014-07-17 - just rename
    • 2014-07-17 - use multiprocessing under linux and subprocess unter windows
    • 2014-07-17 - WIP: Use multiprocessing to start CPU
    • 2014-07-17 - move CPU http server into a seperate thread.
    • 2014-07-17 - bugfix
    • 2014-07-17 - Bugfix CPU status
    • 2014-07-16 - remove loop stuff and use more threading
    • 2014-07-16 - Recalculate the op call burst_count
    • 2014-07-16 - That's fixed with pager ;)
    • 2014-07-16 - Use pager to get the user input.
    • 2014-07-16 - remove unused code
    • 2014-07-15 - add a console version of Simple6809 ROM without bus communication
    • 2014-07-15 - remove unused code & update README
    • 2014-07-15 - add complete DAA unittest
    • 2014-07-15 - Finished S-Records unittest
    • 2014-07-15 - Add more test with HEX calculator
    • 2014-07-15 - display output is a good idea ;)
    • 2014-07-15 - Add unittest for DAA
    • 2014-07-15 - refactor DAA
    • 2014-07-15 - Bugfix DAA - TODO: Add unittests for it!
    • 2014-07-15 - reoder register lines
    • 2014-07-15 - moved
    • 2014-07-15 - Create v09 trace simmilar to XRoar one.
    • 2014-07-14 - Bugfix sbc09 unittest and add more sbc09 tests
    • 2014-07-14 - WIP: unittests with sbc09
    • 2014-07-14 - sbc09: create memory info with hacked script
    • 2014-07-14 - WIP: New call instruction implementation
    • 2014-07-14 - Bugfix: is needes, e.g.: in sbc09
    • 2014-07-14 - remove some test assert statements
    • 2014-07-14 - disable output in unittests
    • 2014-07-14 - rename some pointer
    • 2014-07-14 - travis should only test master and stable
    • 2014-07-13 - remove speedup Simple6809 RAM test
    • 2014-07-13 - disable many logging lines
    • 2014-07-13 - set cc flags more than Xroar on startup
    • 2014-07-13 - merge some code in humanize.py
    • 2014-07-13 - move trace code:
    • 2014-07-13 - remove unused stuff
    • 2014-07-13 - remove "--compare_trace" adn update README
    • 2014-07-13 - Fix Travis
    • 2014-07-13 - boring in unittests ;)
    • 2014-07-13 - remo area debug and code cleanup
    • 2014-07-13 - test with pypy, too and diable coveralls
    • 2014-07-13 - Bugfix, use other address if only 1K RAM
    • 2014-07-13 - Add more tests with BASIC
    • 2014-07-13 - Add some Dragon32 mem info
    • 2014-07-13 - Bugfix ASR/LSR: Bit seven is held constant. Catched with BASIC INT()
    • 2014-07-13 - add some working tests
    • 2014-07-13 - remove initial state tests
    • 2014-07-13 - Update unittest for TFR/EXG
    • 2014-07-13 - Add BASIC float tests.
    • 2014-07-13 - Bugfix: TFR and EXG
    • 2014-07-13 - add sixxie and tormod
    • 2014-07-13 - Bugfix INC
    • 2014-07-12 - add log to file
    • 2014-07-12 - better mem info
    • 2014-07-12 - add comments +typo
    • 2014-07-12 - better info on out of range writes
    • 2014-07-12 - add doctest
    • 2014-07-12 - update test startup
    • 2014-07-12 - Bugfix ADC... the last Bug???
    • 2014-07-11 - Add a working test for "FPA0_to_D"
    • 2014-07-11 - better debugging, add addr info after debug line
    • 2014-07-11 - Add some thanks...
    • 2014-07-11 - "activate" test_ACCD_to_FPA0()
    • 2014-07-11 - Bugfix if value > $7fff
    • 2014-07-11 - Just for devloper to play a little bit with the BASIC Interpreter.
    • 2014-07-11 - add some dev. helper windows batch files
    • 2014-07-11 - cleanup BASIC09 tests
    • 2014-07-11 - WIP: Add test case for JSR $e778 "D to FPA0"
    • 2014-07-11 - add special handling if value == 0
    • 2014-07-11 - Bugfix in BASIC09 Float implementation, only 0 failed, yet.
    • 2014-07-08 - Bugfix dev. startup
    • 2014-07-08 - WIP: Test with BASIC floating point routines
    • 2014-07-08 - disable by default
    • 2014-07-08 - update dev. tool
    • 2014-07-08 - Add a working BASIC floting point number test
    • 2014-07-08 - merged "Programm Flow Instructions"
    • 2014-07-08 - add call number and datetime in HTML debug
    • 2014-07-07 - WIP: Test around BASIC floating point routines
    • 2014-07-07 - remove debug stuff and add a "debug.html" tracing generator
    • 2014-07-07 - split the FLOATING POINT ACCUMULATOR addresses
    • 2014-07-07 - use pickle to save CPU state
    • 2014-07-07 - update html opcode genrator script and add html file.
    • 2014-07-06 - WIP: 6809 data to html export
    • 2014-07-06 - disable open webbrower
    • 2014-07-06 - Add a memory callback functionality
    • 2014-07-04 - add RESET_VECTOR_VALUE to cfg
    • 2014-07-04 - update division code
    • 2014-07-04 - add test for ROL,ROR in memory
    • 2014-07-04 - Bugfix CLI
    • 2014-07-04 - enhanced script.
    • 2014-07-03 - add two new working BASIC Tests...
    • 2014-07-03 - add some not working unitests (commented)
    • 2014-07-03 - Bugfix ASR and add unittests for it.
    • 2014-07-03 - just move to group
    • 2014-07-03 - .gitignore
    • 2014-07-03 - add missing unittests after coverage run
    • 2014-07-03 - bash scripts to run test and create coverage report
    • 2014-07-03 - Test BASIC Interpreter works!
    • 2014-07-03 - WIP: Run tests with a alive BASIC Interpreter
    • 2014-07-03 - update cfg files
    • 2014-07-03 - add "create coverage report" in README
    • 2014-07-03 - remove syntax error in obsolete file
    • 2014-07-03 - bugfix coverage packagename
    • 2014-07-03 - change all package path, after file move
    • 2014-07-03 - moved all files into dragonpy package dir
    • 2014-07-03 - add packagename
    • 2014-07-03 - add coveralls in travis cfg.
    • 2014-07-03 - change TODO info in unittets
    • 2014-07-03 - add coveralls.io status image in README
    • 2014-07-03 - add coveralls cfg
    • 2014-07-03 - add unittest info in README
    • 2014-07-03 - add setup.py and travis cfg.
    • 2014-07-03 - better "first tim called" debug info.
    • 2014-07-03 - add unittest for SUBA indexed
    • 2014-07-03 - Update division test code
    • 2014-07-02 - WIP: ea indexed address modes
    • 2014-07-02 - Display CWAI not implemented error
    • 2014-07-02 - better error message
    • 2014-07-02 - refactor TFR, EXG stuff and add unittests
    • 2014-07-02 - add more Indexed tests
    • 2014-07-02 - add second division test code
    • 2014-07-02 - add seperate test for address modes
    • 2014-07-02 - group ST/LD and add unittests
    • 2014-07-02 - remove comment: it's correct
    • 2014-07-02 - move all not implemented ops
    • 2014-07-01 - bugfix EOR - TODO: Add a test for it.
    • 2014-07-01 - test with more interesting areas
    • 2014-07-01 - add test for ABX
    • 2014-07-01 - refactor ANDCC and ORCC
    • 2014-07-01 - add test for ORCC and ANDCC
    • 2014-07-01 - update example output
    • 2014-07-01 - reorder crc32 tests
    • 2014-07-01 - Bugfix for failed test.
    • 2014-07-01 - Update crc32 test. Works now!
    • 2014-07-01 - disable prints
    • 2014-07-01 - moved/grouped some ops
    • 2014-07-01 - Bugfix ROR and add unittest for it.
    • 2014-07-01 - WIP: add crc32 code
    • 2014-06-30 - Add division code test
    • 2014-06-30 - WIP: 6809 32/16 divison test
    • 2014-06-30 - nicer debug output
    • 2014-06-30 - add unittests for PSHU and PULU
    • 2014-06-30 - Start to add 6809 unittests with small assembler programs: crc16
    • 2014-06-30 - bugfix Push/Pull unittests
    • 2014-06-30 - add unittest for BLT and LBLT
    • 2014-06-30 - add unittest for SBCA
    • 2014-06-30 - move DEC test
    • 2014-06-29 - add some BASIC test code
    • 2014-06-29 - split/merge arithmetic shift tests
    • 2014-06-29 - unify: r & 0xff
    • 2014-06-29 - WIP dragon32
    • 2014-06-29 - split arithmetic op tests
    • 2014-06-29 - comment debug output
    • 2014-06-29 - add unittest for ADDD and DECA
    • 2014-06-28 - Add test for ROL
    • 2014-06-28 - cleanup ADD and add unittest
    • 2014-06-28 - disallow out of range write into memory
    • 2014-06-28 - implement BRN, BVC and BVS
    • 2014-06-28 - Bugfix INC and add unittests
    • 2014-06-28 - add LSLA unittest
    • 2014-06-28 - split branch unittests
    • 2014-06-28 - code cleanup and add unittests for CMP
    • 2014-06-27 - Use only 1KB RAM for Simple6809, too.
    • 2014-06-27 - add hacked script for copy&paste .lst content from e.g.: http://www.asm80.com/
    • 2014-06-27 - WIP CPU control server
    • 2014-06-27 - Setup only 1KB RAM for Multicomp6809 for faster startup.
    • 2014-06-27 - add unittest for NEG memory
    • 2014-06-27 - Update NEG memory, TODO: add tests for it, too.
    • 2014-06-27 - Add complete range unittests for update_HNZVC_8
    • 2014-06-27 - bugfix unittest file
    • 2014-06-27 - Bugfix NEGA and NEGB and update unitests for them
    • 2014-06-27 - update unittest code
    • 2014-06-27 - update accu unittests
    • 2014-06-26 - add unittest for ORA and ORCC
    • 2014-06-26 - Add unittests for BPL and LBPL
    • 2014-06-26 - bugfix for /debug/
    • 2014-06-26 - Add unittests for LEAU and LDU
    • 2014-06-26 - Bugfix TST extended
    • 2014-06-26 - Bugfix in TST and add unittest for it
    • 2014-06-26 - Bugfix BGE
    • 2014-06-26 - add debug output for PRINT "HELLO" in README
    • 2014-06-25 - add another simple test code
    • 2014-06-25 - add come cary flag tests
    • 2014-06-25 - Add Zero-Flag tests
    • 2014-06-25 - add a test code, use test config
    • 2014-06-24 - WIP: turn on DEBUG via POST request
    • 2014-06-24 - move tests TODO: Update all
    • 2014-06-24 - Better "called the first time:" info line.
    • 2014-06-24 - create absolute path to the ROM file.
    • 2014-06-24 - add info about ROMs
    • 2014-06-24 - some cleanup
    • 2014-06-24 - README Update
    • 2014-06-23 - change reset debug output
    • 2014-06-23 - Quick hack to add Grant's Multicomp 6809 ROM.
    • 2013-10-31 - somthing wrong in dragon cycle/update calls ?!?
    • 2013-10-31 - commit current state:
    • 2013-10-31 - insert TODOs update README
    • 2013-10-31 - refactor:
    • 2013-10-30 - merge periphery code
    • 2013-10-30 - exit if Pygame is not installed
    • 2013-10-30 - implement MUL
    • 2013-10-30 - rename basic.doc -> basic.txt
    • 2013-10-30 - bugfix: flush doesn't exist
    • 2013-10-30 - truncate long lines in traceback
    • 2013-10-29 - "redirect" use input into nirvana
    • 2013-10-29 - add a simple console, so it's runable without TKinter
    • 2013-10-29 - ignore if TKinter is not available
    • 2013-10-29 - add cfg.BURST_COUNT
    • 2013-10-29 - display error info on exit
    • 2013-10-29 - update with removed logging output
    • 2013-10-29 - disable many logging output
    • 2013-10-28 - add a note about current performace
    • 2013-10-28 - disable automatic test commands
    • 2013-10-28 - not raise traceback on exit
    • 2013-10-28 - pygame, numpy is not needed in every config
    • 2013-10-28 - add link into README
    • 2013-10-28 - hand made changes in generate creole file
    • 2013-10-28 - add abc09.creole generatet by script
    • 2013-10-28 - add "clean" in Makefile and remove all builded files
    • 2013-10-28 - just apply auto format
    • 2013-10-27 - add more test code
    • 2013-10-27 - convert chars to display, why?
    • 2013-10-27 - deactivate "sys exit" on trace difference
    • 2013-10-27 - implement SEX
    • 2013-10-27 - add update_HNZVC_16()
    • 2013-10-27 - changes for equality with trace
    • 2013-10-27 - update half-carry, though H is normaly "undefined"
    • 2013-10-27 - add a hacked script to create a short trace with sbc09
    • 2013-10-27 - add hacked scb09 trace compare
    • 2013-10-27 - use dict for all calls
    • 2013-10-27 - Bugfix CMP: update half-carry flag, too.
    • 2013-10-27 - print trace info
    • 2013-10-27 - rename README.doc -> README.txt
    • 2013-10-27 - just apply auto formating
    • 2013-10-27 - add Lennart Benschop 6809 stuff (released under the GPL)
    • 2013-10-26 - Implement DAA, EXG and bugfix LSR
    • 2013-10-26 - bugfix activate logging later
    • 2013-10-26 - Bugfix in data: EXG need postbyte
    • 2013-10-26 - add current example
    • 2013-10-26 - display key events
    • 2013-10-26 - add some info
    • 2013-10-26 - add "Copy to clipboard" function
    • 2013-10-25 - less debug output
    • 2013-10-25 - add LSL unittest
    • 2013-10-25 - add ANDA unittest
    • 2013-10-25 - add a unittest with a routine from origin ROM
    • 2013-10-24 - exclude imports (serial doesn't work, yet)
    • 2013-10-24 - Update some CC handling.
    • 2013-10-24 - add CC unittest with DEC and update other tests
    • 2013-10-24 - Add CC unittest with INC
    • 2013-10-24 - Bugfix SUB and add a working unittest for SUB and CC flags
    • 2013-10-24 - first real working CC test with ADDA
    • 2013-10-24 - add scrollbar and auto scroll to end
    • 2013-10-23 - display first call
    • 2013-10-23 - Bugfix: set CC flags only if not set before
    • 2013-10-23 - don't raise if error was before and better debug messages
    • 2013-10-22 - nicer TK window
    • 2013-10-22 - some updates in unittest
    • 2013-10-22 - better trace compare
    • 2013-10-22 - use XRoar CC code
    • 2013-10-22 - Update exported 6809 data:
    • 2013-10-21 - wrap around value
    • 2013-10-21 - add CC tests.
    • 2013-10-21 - change debug output
    • 2013-10-21 - update unittest
    • 2013-10-21 - add --area_debug_cycles
    • 2013-10-21 - merge SUB8 and SUB16
    • 2013-10-21 - Implement BGE and BLT
    • 2013-10-21 - bugfix address modes
    • 2013-10-21 - Automatic send a BASIC line back, for test
    • 2013-10-21 - use delimiter=';'
    • 2013-10-21 - use csv modul for export
    • 2013-10-21 - update state in README
    • 2013-10-21 - implement ANDCC
    • 2013-10-21 - bugfix get ea+m DIRECT
    • 2013-10-21 - TST need mem
    • 2013-10-21 - add new csv
    • 2013-10-21 - Add undocumented RESET opcode 0x3e
    • 2013-10-21 - data updates:
    • 2013-10-21 - remove stuff for stack pointer checks
    • 2013-10-21 - more debug info from get_ea_indexed()
    • 2013-10-21 - remove internal push/pull check:
    • 2013-10-21 - updates for new 6809 data
    • 2013-10-21 - bugfix TFR, JSR data
    • 2013-10-21 - ea is needed if write to memory
    • 2013-10-21 - * "needs_ea" is not the same for all ops
    • 2013-10-21 - needs_ea for all branch instructions
    • 2013-10-21 - add "needs_ea"
    • 2013-10-21 - rename "operand" to "register"
    • 2013-10-21 - remove "addr mode" register and stack
    • 2013-10-21 - manual changes for "reads from memory" info
    • 2013-10-21 - move HNZVC info from instruction to op code
    • 2013-10-21 - add a note about read_from_memory
    • 2013-10-20 - start to use the new data. Not ready, yet.
    • 2013-10-20 - change "-" to None
    • 2013-10-20 - generate a new op code info file
    • 2013-10-20 - merge with existing information
    • 2013-10-19 - pretty print the result, too.
    • 2013-10-19 - try to collect all data in a new way.
    • 2013-10-19 - add missing instructions
    • 2013-10-18 - add op info
    • 2013-10-17 - TODO: change 6809 data py
    • 2013-10-17 - long branches allways MEM_ACCESS_WORD
    • 2013-10-17 - more info on push/pull
    • 2013-10-17 - implement BGT
    • 2013-10-17 - stop on endless loops and merge code
    • 2013-10-17 - bugfix in get_indexed_ea()
    • 2013-10-17 - bugfix in stack count check
    • 2013-10-17 - add vector info
    • 2013-10-17 - info if mem info is not active
    • 2013-10-17 - support Backspace
    • 2013-10-17 - better solution to make textbox "read-only"
    • 2013-10-17 - * implement ABX, ASR, BLE, EOR, LSR, NOP, ROR, SBC, SUB16
    • 2013-10-16 - add not working CC half carry test
    • 2013-10-16 - display char in memory write
    • 2013-10-16 - bugfix missing attribute
    • 2013-10-16 - add check
    • 2013-10-16 - bugfix ORCC and ROL
    • 2013-10-16 - implement OR
    • 2013-10-16 - bugfix for EOF if XRoar log file
    • 2013-10-16 - implement ADDD
    • 2013-10-16 - add a internal stack push/pull counter with check
    • 2013-10-16 - better Tk stuff: send char by char back
    • 2013-10-16 - update CC
    • 2013-10-16 - bugfix TST
    • 2013-10-16 - Merge code for BSR and JSR
    • 2013-10-16 - rename half carry method
    • 2013-10-16 - less debug if value out of range
    • 2013-10-16 - Split Simple6809Periphery and a a simple Tk GUI
    • 2013-10-16 - remove raise in ORCC
    • 2013-10-16 - bugfix push/pull
    • 2013-10-16 - bugfix test_TFR03()
    • 2013-10-16 - stop on wrong NEG (e.g.: jump to empty RAM area)
    • 2013-10-16 - better traceback
    • 2013-10-16 - clear hacked exception
    • 2013-10-16 - for eclipse :(
    • 2013-10-15 - Update/bugfixes because of mem_read information
    • 2013-10-15 - display cycles/sec
    • 2013-10-15 - better error info
    • 2013-10-15 - more debug info in memory access
    • 2013-10-15 - add "mem_read" and "mem_write" into MC6809 data
    • 2013-10-15 - play with serial, without success.
    • 2013-10-15 - send op address over bus, too.
    • 2013-10-14 - add from https://gist.github.com/jedie/6975555
    • 2013-10-14 - bugfix BLO / BHS
    • 2013-10-14 - implement AND
    • 2013-10-14 - add content in "read byte" debug info
    • 2013-10-14 - implement INC memory
    • 2013-10-14 - Bugfix: wrong mem access PSH, PUL
    • 2013-10-13 - conmpare first the registers than CC
    • 2013-10-13 - more info on RS232 access
    • 2013-10-13 - debug output for CPU cycles
    • 2013-10-13 - Display CC debug like '.F.IN..C' and compare it seperate
    • 2013-10-13 - bugfix get_direct_byte()
    • 2013-10-13 - implement PULS
    • 2013-10-13 - nicer debugger output
    • 2013-10-13 - Bugfix BSR
    • 2013-10-13 - implement ORCC
    • 2013-10-13 - add fake write_rs232_interface()
    • 2013-10-13 - better error message if periphery func. returns nonsense ;)
    • 2013-10-12 - bugfix in IllegalInstruction
    • 2013-10-12 - add a simple debugger
    • 2013-10-12 - implement BHI
    • 2013-10-12 - reimplement illegal ops
    • 2013-10-12 - bugfix: Hacked bugtracking only with Dragon 32
    • 2013-10-12 - add dummy RS232 method
    • 2013-10-12 - add addr in error message
    • 2013-10-12 - log mem access as info
    • 2013-10-12 - hacked speedup Simple6809 RAM test
    • 2013-10-12 - Hacked bugtracking only with Dragon 32
    • 2013-10-12 - insert CC in XRoar trace line, too
    • 2013-10-12 - use sam attr than XRoar in PAGE1/2 ops
    • 2013-10-12 - use debug.error for TODOs in PIA/SAM
    • 2013-10-12 - special RAM init for Dragon.
    • 2013-10-12 - Bugfix pull_word() (e.g. RTS)
    • 2013-10-12 - Bugfix BLS
    • 2013-10-12 - bugfix LEA
    • 2013-10-11 - better opcode .csc export output
    • 2013-10-11 - fix unittest
    • 2013-10-10 - add a hacked bug tracking: xroar trace compare
    • 2013-10-10 - bugfix BEQ
    • 2013-10-10 - bugfix in indexed addressing mode
    • 2013-10-10 - bugfix init value in PIA
    • 2013-10-10 - add reset call to debug output
    • 2013-10-10 - merge read pc byte/word methods
    • 2013-10-10 - Bugfix in log output: Display PC and not ea ;)
    • 2013-10-10 - Bugfix STA/STB and CC update
    • 2013-10-10 - debug also CC registers
    • 2013-10-10 - tweak --verbosity=20 output simmilar to XRoar -trace
    • 2013-10-10 - implement "--max" cli argument
    • 2013-10-09 - add "--area_debug_active" in CLI
    • 2013-10-09 - resuse existing cmd arguments
    • 2013-10-09 - implement ADC and BSR
    • 2013-10-09 - return 0x0, while read/write outside memory
    • 2013-10-09 - split mem info:
    • 2013-10-09 - Add unittest
    • 2013-10-09 - commit idea for CC
    • 2013-10-09 - update CPU for new MC6809_data_raw:
    • 2013-10-09 - update 6809 data:
    • 2013-10-09 - CC register updates
    • 2013-10-08 - add tests für CC.H and CC.C, but's seems to be wrong?!?
    • 2013-10-08 - Update unittest, so they are runable
    • 2013-10-07 - Bugfix COM
    • 2013-10-07 - add CLI examples into README
    • 2013-10-07 - bugfix: it's the right position
    • 2013-10-07 - rename ;)
    • 2013-10-07 - Bugfix: Strip checksum ;)
    • 2013-10-07 - commit current state: * bus I/O: split byte/word calls * bus I/O: use struct for Sending responses from periphery back to memory * split memory from cpu module * start with Simple6809Periphery
    • 2013-10-07 - * Add support for more than Dragon setups. * Start adding Simple6809 support
    • 2013-10-06 - use bus for the rest
    • 2013-10-06 - use reset() to ser CC F&I and init PC
    • 2013-10-06 - starting implementation of SAM
    • 2013-10-06 - implement support for PAGE1/2 opcodes
    • 2013-10-06 - remove old code
    • 2013-10-06 - implement CMP8 and CMP16
    • 2013-10-06 - start to implement PIA0 and PIA1
    • 2013-10-06 - set inital PC to RESET_VECTOR == 0xb3b4
    • 2013-10-06 - implement LEAS,LEAU and LEAX, LEAY
    • 2013-10-06 - Set start stack pointer to 0xffff
    • 2013-10-06 - *wrap around 8/16-bit register values
    • 2013-10-06 - revert S to object: So it's the same API than other register objects
    • 2013-10-06 - add everywhere "m" argument
    • 2013-10-06 - * Implement LSL / ROL
    • 2013-10-06 - implement BMI, BPL
    • 2013-10-06 - update unittests (work in progress)
    • 2013-10-06 - * Implement JSR
    • 2013-10-06 - implement BLO/BCS/LBLO/LBCS and BHS/BCC/LBHS/LBCC branch
    • 2013-10-06 - bugfix direct byte - TODO: direct word
    • 2013-10-06 - Implement ST16 + Bugfix ST8
    • 2013-10-06 - reformat DocString
    • 2013-10-05 - implement BRA/LBRA
    • 2013-10-04 - stop before loop
    • 2013-10-04 - add some PIA / SAM dummy response
    • 2013-10-04 - bugfix BNE and JMP
    • 2013-10-03 - Add unittest for LDA, LDB, STA, STB and LDD in one test
    • 2013-10-03 - Bugfix m <-> ea missmatch in address methods
    • 2013-10-03 - * Implement ADD8
    • 2013-10-03 - add a low-level-register test
    • 2013-10-03 - remove some init debug messages
    • 2013-10-02 - start implementing SUB8
    • 2013-10-02 - * bugfix: differ between ea and memory content * Implement NEG memory
    • 2013-10-02 - better error message if soft switch doesn't exists
    • 2013-10-01 - starts implementing NEG, but seems to be buggy :(
    • 2013-10-01 - remove many startup debug output
    • 2013-10-01 - add name to ConditionCodeRegister for uniform API
    • 2013-10-01 - bugfix missing API update
    • 2013-10-01 - reimplement TFR
    • 2013-10-01 - implement TST
    • 2013-10-01 - * Implement BEQ * use same debug output in BNE
    • 2013-10-01 - Implement BIT
    • 2013-10-01 - implement BNE
    • 2013-10-01 - implement "relative" addressing mode
    • 2013-09-30 - add a test
    • 2013-09-30 - check mem values and make 'end' optional
    • 2013-09-30 - implement INC
    • 2013-09-30 - don't set overflow flag back to 0
    • 2013-09-24 - reimplement LD8
    • 2013-09-24 - implement DEC
    • 2013-09-24 - use new skeleton
    • 2013-09-24 - * don't split instrutions
    • 2013-09-24 - * split COM * implement COM
    • 2013-09-24 - * merge accu/CC code * all registers are objects with get()/set() method * leave unimplemented methods in skeleton class * reimplement JMP, LD16, ST8
    • 2013-09-24 - mark 8bit CC update methods
    • 2013-09-24 - rename CC calls
    • 2013-09-23 - start LD16: TODO: operand should be a object with get/set methods!
    • 2013-09-23 - implement JMP
    • 2013-09-23 - insert genereted code
    • 2013-09-23 - bigfix ;)
    • 2013-09-23 - change CSV data
    • 2013-09-23 - Use variables in "addr_mode"
    • 2013-09-23 - rename dir
    • 2013-09-23 - * insert 'cc update' calls for the most cases * better DocString * change function signature if nessesary *
    • 2013-09-23 - * split LEA * move cc bits info to INSTRUCTION_INFO
    • 2013-09-23 - add a simple CSV export
    • 2013-09-23 - Use also first and last part to link
    • 2013-09-23 - reimplement skeleton maker script
    • 2013-09-23 - * change cycles/bytes to integers * Merge PAGE and SWI
    • 2013-09-20 - merge informations, current result is MC6809_data_raw.py
    • 2013-09-20 - add hacked 6809 data scraping scripts.
    • 2013-09-19 - don't use property witch access methods...
    • 2013-09-19 - * Bugfix NEG * stop in soft witch
    • 2013-09-19 - * support JMP, NEG in all addressing modes * inc cycles in Memory class
    • 2013-09-19 - * change memory access methods to properties, so it's unify with register access * merge COM ops
    • 2013-09-19 - COM
    • 2013-09-19 - add to TODO ;)
    • 2013-09-19 - uniform debug output
    • 2013-09-18 - * move accumulator to seperate object
    • 2013-09-18 - remove register from 6309 and add some more links.
    • 2013-09-17 - * Add LD 8-bit load register from memory * move the CC frags into seperate module
    • 2013-09-17 - add "LD 16-bit load register from memory" and merge code with ST16
    • 2013-09-17 - check if ops only defined one time
    • 2013-09-17 - accumulator D, W and Q as property
    • 2013-09-17 - add ST 16-bit store register into memory
    • 2013-09-17 - add some 8-bit arithmetic operations
    • 2013-09-17 - debug write to text screen addresses
    • 2013-09-17 - add LSR
    • 2013-09-17 - add ORA
    • 2013-09-17 - bugfix indexed addressing modes
    • 2013-09-16 - add BNE
    • 2013-09-16 - make current opcode class wide. Handle list of opcodes
    • 2013-09-16 - FIXME: word and signed8 ???
    • 2013-09-16 - add copyright notes
    • 2013-09-16 - form if...elif to a dict access
    • 2013-09-16 - add LEAX indexed
    • 2013-09-16 - add Indexed addressing modes, but needs tests
    • 2013-09-16 - short debug output
    • 2013-09-16 - stop on illegal ops
    • 2013-09-15 - little-endian or big-endian ?!?!
    • 2013-09-12 - add more links
    • 2013-09-12 - merge code
    • 2013-09-12 - better unittest output in verbosity mode
    • 2013-09-11 - Display more mem info
    • 2013-09-11 - add ADDA extended, CMPX extended and JSR extended
    • 2013-09-11 - bugfix ROM/RAM size
    • 2013-09-11 - Change sizes, but: http://archive.worldofdragon.org/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=4363
    • 2013-09-11 - Add print_debug_info() to config class
    • 2013-09-11 - more info
    • 2013-09-11 - add op 0x00 NEG direct
    • 2013-09-11 - set cycles in ops
    • 2013-09-11 - add JMP
    • 2013-09-11 - rename CC flags
    • 2013-09-11 - activate pygame display
    • 2013-09-11 - setup logging
    • 2013-09-11 - move STACK_PAGE and RESET_VECTOR into cfg
    • 2013-09-11 - remove read_word_bug()
    • 2013-09-11 - obsolete
    • 2013-09-10 - cleanup and start to implement the 6809 CPU
    • 2013-08-29 - Update configs.py
    • 2013-08-27 - add some links
    • 2013-08-27 - fork and rename some files, change some settings... But will every be a Dragon 32 emulator?
    • 2013-03-08 - added note about exact pip and brew commands I used
    • 2013-03-08 - improved hires colour, fixed non-ASCII key crash, fixed to work with later pygame/numpy
    • 2012-07-23 - added explicit mention of License in README
    • 2012-07-23 - added mention of numpy requirement
    • 2012-07-23 - added MIT license
    • 2012-07-23 - treat README as Markdown
    • 2012-04-18 - made applepy.py executable
    • 2011-10-01 - add --pc switch for starting run at specific program counter
    • 2011-10-01 - initialise display state variables in constructor
    • 2011-08-21 - add console control utility
    • 2011-08-21 - implement post to /memory in control requests
    • 2011-08-20 - control channel is now HTTP/REST/JSON
    • 2011-08-20 - add fileno() method to ControlHandler for better compatiblity with select()
    • 2011-08-20 - disassemble show instruction bytes
    • 2011-08-20 - reincarnate disassembler on control channel
    • 2011-08-20 - add dump memory command
    • 2011-08-20 - refactor control command processing
    • 2011-08-19 - start of cpu core control channel
    • 2011-08-19 - graceful shutdown if cpu core exits
    • 2011-08-19 - abandon startup if cpu module does not start
    • 2011-08-19 - rename --ui switch to --bus
    • 2011-08-18 - open memory files in binary mode
    • 2011-08-18 - update curses UI for socket comms
    • 2011-08-18 - use sockets for comms instead of stdio
    • 2011-08-19 - Edited README via GitHub
    • 2011-08-19 - Mention the minimal applepy_curses.py in README
    • 2011-08-16 - attempt to skip to data part of tape
    • 2011-08-16 - finish cassette support
    • 2011-08-16 - initial cassette input
    • 2011-08-14 - Separate CPU core and UI processes
    • 2011-08-15 - removed unused import
    • 2011-08-15 - adjusted speaker sample length to allow for leading edge
    • 2011-08-15 - made options...um...optional param to Memory so tests pass
    • 2011-08-15 - command line options: --rom, --ram, --quiet
    • 2011-08-15 - map left/right arrow keys to ^H/^U
    • 2011-08-15 - add flash attribute to text mode
    • 2011-08-15 - moved speaker buffer playing into the Speaker class
    • 2011-08-15 - implemented speaker; not a bad hack :-)
    • 2011-08-15 - pass in None for cycles so tests run
    • 2011-08-15 - refactored memory access so cycle can be passed in
    • 2011-08-14 - implemented cycle calculation (except for page boundary crossing)
    • 2011-08-14 - added notes on implementation that seems to give the right result
    • 2011-08-14 - more groking of why memory-based ASL, DEC, INC, LSR, ROL and ROR take what they take
    • 2011-08-14 - worked out why STA seemed an exception
    • 2011-08-14 - updated notes, fixing what seems to a mistake on the webpage I referenced
    • 2011-08-14 - typo and formatting fixes in cycle notes
    • 2011-08-14 - notes on cycle times
    • 2011-08-14 - added test_run to run CPU over a fragment of memory with no UI event handling (for automated testings)
    • 2011-08-14 - improved coloured for better whites
    • 2011-08-13 - fixed missing self
    • 2011-08-13 - refactored memory so RAM just subclasses ROM, adding write_byte
    • 2011-08-13 - whitespace nits
    • 2011-08-13 - added load_file to RAM
    • 2011-08-13 - updated README credits and status
    • 2011-08-13 - implemented HIRES colour
    • 2011-08-13 - use pregenerated character bitmaps for text mode
    • 2011-08-13 - added HIRES graphics support based on code from ghewgill: https://github.com/ghewgill/applepy/commit/5aa8ca2caa82cacdae08d0ffdbab2083b0f4c7a1
    • 2011-08-13 - always draw the spaces between scanlines
    • 2011-08-13 - in mixed mode, assume monitor is colour
    • 2011-08-13 - refactored update_text and update_lores into a single method
    • 2011-08-13 - display full width of characters
    • 2011-08-13 - character heights are really 8 not 9
    • 2011-08-13 - implemented LORES graphics
    • 2011-08-13 - make display optional (for testing)
    • 2011-08-13 - got tests working again after memory refactor
    • 2011-08-13 - ported to pygame and added bit-accurate characters
    • 2011-08-07 - if writing to text screen row group 3 just skip instead of throwing exception
    • 2011-08-07 - updated README to reflect status and give credit
    • 2011-08-07 - don't treat indices as signed in indexed addressing modes (ht: ghewgill)
    • 2011-08-07 - consistent whitespace
    • 2011-08-07 - split memory handling into separate classes for RAM, ROM and Soft Switches
    • 2011-08-07 - add disassembler, enable for dump mode
    • 2011-08-07 - don't allow writes to ROM area (this caused the ][+ ROM to hang on boot)
    • 2011-08-07 - fix typos for zero_page_y_mode in instruction dispatch table
    • 2011-08-07 - fix dump() function so it works (when uncommented)
    • 2011-08-07 - fix typo in instruction table
    • 2011-08-07 - simplify calculating signed values in adc and sbc
    • 2011-08-07 - only need to allocate 64k of memory
    • 2011-08-07 - if curses can't write a character to the screen, just skip it; fixes #1
    • 2011-08-07 - improved implementation of indirect bug across page boundaries including indexed indirects as well
    • 2011-08-07 - added unit tests
    • 2011-08-07 - fixed error in BVS
    • 2011-08-07 - whitespace nit
    • 2011-08-07 - properly use 0 and 1 not False and True for flags
    • 2011-08-07 - implemented non-accumulator version of ROR
    • 2011-08-06 - fixed inverse use of carry in SBC
    • 2011-08-06 - turns out PLA DOES affect NZ after all
    • 2011-08-06 - renamed load to load_file, added a load to load memory from byte list and refactored loading code
    • 2011-08-06 - emulate indirect mode bug in 6502
    • 2011-08-06 - reimplemented CMP, CPX and CPY based on 2006/2007 code
    • 2011-08-06 - reimplemented ADC and SBC based on 2006/2007 code
    • 2011-08-06 - apparently PLA does not affect NZ flags
    • 2011-08-06 - little BIT of simplication
    • 2011-08-06 - cleaned up ASL implementation
    • 2011-08-06 - TSX updated NZ flags
    • 2011-08-06 - fixed stray comment
    • 2011-08-06 - factored out stack pull/push
    • 2011-08-06 - refactored flags to status byte and back
    • 2011-08-06 - slight refactor of update_nz and update_nzc
    • 2011-08-06 - implemented BRK and RTI
    • 2011-08-06 - make further use of addressing mode refactor
    • 2011-08-06 - added zero_page_y_mode
    • 2011-08-06 - added wrap-around for zero_page_x_mode
    • 2011-08-06 - refactored addressing mode code
    • 2011-08-06 - added if name == "main" test for mainline
    • 2011-08-06 - simplified screen address to col/row translation based on code from 2006
    • 2011-08-06 - initial update from 2001 code


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