
Multiprocess directory iteration via os.scandir() with progress indicator via tqdm bars.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


Multiprocess directory iteration via os.scandir()

Who's this Lib for?

You want to process a large number of files and/or a few very big files and give feedback to the user on how long it will take.


  • Progress indicator:
    • Immediately after start: process files and indication of progress via multiprocess
    • process bars via tqdm
    • Estimated time based on file count and size
  • Easy to implement extra process bar for big file processing.
  • Skip directories and file name via fnmatch.

How it works:

The main process starts statistic processes in background via Python multiprocess and starts directly with the work.

There are two background statistic processes collects information for the process bars:

  • Count up all directories and files.
  • Accumulates the sizes of all files.

Why two processes?

Because collect only the count of all filesystem items via os.scandir() is very fast. This is the fastest way to predict a processing time.

Use os.DirEntry.stat() to get the file size is significantly slower: It requires another system call.

OK, but why two processed?

Use only the total count of all DirEntry may result in bad estimated time Progress indication. It depends on what the actual work is about: When processing the contents of large files, it is good to know how much total data to be processed.

That's why we used two ways: the DirEntry count to forecast a processing time very quickly and the size to improve the predicted time.


  • Python 3.6 or newer.
  • tqdm for process bars
  • psutils for setting process priority
  • For dev.: Pipenv. Packages and virtual environment manager


Please: try, fork and contribute! ;)

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Coverage Status on codecov.io codecov.io/gh/jedie/IterFilesystem
Coverage Status on coveralls.io coveralls.io/r/jedie/IterFilesystem
Requirements Status on requires.io requires.io/github/jedie/IterFilesystem/requirements/


Use example CLI, e.g.:

~$ git clone https://github.com/jedie/IterFilesystem.git
~$ cd IterFilesystem
~/IterFilesystem$ pipenv install
~/IterFilesystem$ pipenv shell
(IterFilesystem) ~/IterFilesystem$ print_fs_stats --help
(IterFilesystem) ~/IterFilesystem$ pip install -e .
Successfully installed iterfilesystem

~/IterFilesystem$ $ poetry run print_fs_stats --help
usage: print_fs_stats.py [-h] [-v] [--debug] [--path PATH]
                         [--skip_dir_patterns [SKIP_DIR_PATTERNS [SKIP_DIR_PATTERNS ...]]]
                         [--skip_file_patterns [SKIP_FILE_PATTERNS [SKIP_FILE_PATTERNS ...]]]

Scan filesystem and print some information

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  --debug               enable DEBUG
  --path PATH           The file path that should be scanned e.g.: "~/foobar/"
                        default is "~"
  --skip_dir_patterns [SKIP_DIR_PATTERNS [SKIP_DIR_PATTERNS ...]]
                        Directory names to exclude from scan.
  --skip_file_patterns [SKIP_FILE_PATTERNS [SKIP_FILE_PATTERNS ...]]
                        File names to ignore.

example output looks like this:

(IterFilesystem) ~/IterFilesystem$ $ print_fs_stats --path ~/IterFilesystem --skip_dir_patterns ".*" "*.egg-info" --skip_file_patterns ".*"
Read/process: '~/IterFilesystem'...
Skip directory patterns:
	* .*
	* *.egg-info

Skip file patterns:
	* .*

Filesystem items..:Read/process: '~/IterFilesystem'...


Filesystem items..: 100%|█████████████████████████████████████████|135/135 13737.14entries/s [00:00<00:00, 13737.14entries/s]
File sizes........: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████|843k/843k [00:00<00:00, 88.5MBytes/s]
Average progress..: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████|00:00<00:00
Current File......:, /home/jens/repos/IterFilesystem/Pipfile

Processed 135 filesystem items in 0.02 sec
SHA515 hash calculated over all file content: 10f9475b21977f5aea1d4657a0e09ad153a594ab30abc2383bf107dbc60c430928596e368ebefab3e78ede61dcc101cb638a845348fe908786cb8754393439ef
File count: 109
Total file size: 843.5 KB
6 directories skipped.
6 files skipped.


