

amureki opened this issue · 3 comments

Since django-reversion major version has been released, there are plenty of breaking changes.

We should go over changelog and fix all of them.

And release new version (1.0.0, or even 2.0.0 to be in touch with main reversion package).

maybe you could update the dependencies to restrict the current version of django-reversion-compare
to require django-reversion>=1.9,<2.0.0 to pretend incompatible setups

jedie commented

TODO: Add a CI run without version limitations... Just something like "pip install django-reversion-compare" and test if it's works. e.g.: without <2.0 the CI run will be break...

jedie commented

v0.7.0 released on PyPi and will support django-reversion v2.0.x
see also: #76