Add compare view to django-reversion for comparing two versions of a reversion model.
- 0
- 0
Expand test matrix with Django==5.0
#222 opened by jedie - 1
Python 3.6 support
#155 opened by benselme - 0
Better diff for JSONField
#217 opened by jedie - 0
- 0
Add support for grappelli admin interface
#199 opened by joshuata - 3
diff-match-patch no longer included in build
#195 opened by jeremy-engel - 0
Related Field got invalid lookup: icontains
#185 opened by harsha09 - 1
- 1
- 1
#150 opened by jedie - 2
Comparing many-to-many fields using the "through" keyword breaks the compare view if the intermediate model is not registered with django-reversion
#159 opened by dreiq - 2
Unable to get most updated 0.14.0 Version
#156 opened by Existents - 2
New release for changes since 0.14.0?
#158 opened by sjdemartini - 4
ADD_REVERSION_ADMIN triggered thousands of SQL queries
#152 opened by simonw - 0
Handle "incompatible version data" error
#148 opened by jedie - 2
Could their be any possible breaking changes?
#135 opened by Pauldic - 8
- 2
Admin "Cruft" on Compare
#142 opened by crwilson31108 - 3
- 2
@property diff
#62 opened by felix-d - 0
Admin permissions do not work
#133 opened by GregKaleka - 2
Applying revert on compare view
#126 opened by jjarthur - 1
Django 3.0 compatibility when installed with pip
#124 opened by maxocub - 2
Django 3 support
#120 opened by mesemus - 2
- 3
Ignore relations that are not registered.
#103 opened by emihir0 - 2
Inclusion of TabularInline when comparing.
#60 opened by edoswaldgo - 3
- 1
Compare for Home › Reversion › Revisions?
#108 opened by NadavK - 1
#104 opened by madEng84 - 3
- 0
- 8
The compare view is extremely slow
#95 opened by kedare - 5
ForeignKey relation
#67 opened by DiogoMarques29 - 3
- 3
Support Django>=1.11
#98 opened by pahaz - 1
Create a history outside the admin page
#96 opened by agusmakmun - 6
Support django 1.11
#94 opened by lcd1232 - 1
- 1
using search_fields gives an error
#92 opened by gitanupam - 1
- 1
Not compatible with Django 1.10
#77 opened by dmwyatt - 0
- 1
- 8
Can not use django-reversion-compare
#74 opened by nashmaniac - 3
#70 opened by amureki - 0
TODO: Use tox for running tests
#75 opened by jedie - 0
TODO: create special django-cms plugin...
#72 opened by jedie - 2
Build wheel from 0.6.1 source fails
#68 opened by martingalloar