Does django reversion support with markdown syntax?
agusmakmun opened this issue · 3 comments
If I following
{% for field_diff in compare_data %}
{{ field_diff }}
The html output is;
{'diff': '<span>Dynamically evolve tactical e-business whereas client-focused technology. Monotonectally evolve top-line strategic theme areas after optimal technology. Authoritatively empower fully researched results for backend synergy. Credibly maintain ethical imperatives without ethical scenarios. Intrinsicly incubate bricks-and-clicks infrastructures without intuitive partnerships\r</br>\r</br></span><del style="background:#ffe6e6;">Interactively implement exceptional human capital after team driven e-services. Energistically reinvent orthogonal meta-services before empowered strategic</del><ins style="background:#e6ffe6;">```python\r</br>class QuestionEdit(LoginRequiredMixin, RevisionMixin, FormView):\r</br> </ins><span> t</span><del style="background:#ffe6e6;">h</del><span>em</span><del style="background:#ffe6e6;">e areas. Appropriately orchestrate transparent experiences without scalable meta-services. Efficiently empower seamless best practices rather than extensive niche markets. Rapidiously transition future-proof manufactured products and empowered communities.</del><ins style="background:#e6ffe6;">plate_name = \'app_faq/question_edit.html\'\r</br> form_class = QuestionForm\r</br> model = Question\r</br>\r</br> def post(self, request, **kwargs):\r</br> reversion_set_comment("foo bar")\r</br> return super(QuestionEdit, self).post(request, **kwargs)\r</br>```</ins>', 'is_related': False, 'follow': None, 'field': <django.db.models.fields.TextField: description>}
The {{ field_diff.diff }}
is converted as html. How I can handle the markdown syntax?
or maybe like this;
It is possible to write a own compare for special fields. What does your model field look like?
Currently, I handle the markdown syntax only on front-end form using django-markdown-editor, not in the
Here is my
class QuestionSuggestedEdits(TimeStampedModel):
question = models.ForeignKey(
Question, related_name='suggested_edits_question')
editor = models.ForeignKey(
User, related_name='suggested_edits_editor')
title = models.CharField(
_('Title'), max_length=200)
tags = models.ManyToManyField(
Tag, related_name='suggested_edits_tags')
('approved', _('Approved')),
('rejected', _('Rejected')),
('pending', _('Pending'))
status = models.CharField(
_('Status'), max_length=20,
choices=STATUS_CHOICES, default='pending')
description = models.TextField(_('Description'))
comment = models.TextField(_('Revision Comment'))
def slug(self):
return slugify(self.title)
class Meta:
verbose_name_plural = _('question suggested edits')
ordering = ['-created']
and the
from reversion_compare.views import HistoryCompareDetailView
from app_faq.models.question import QuestionSuggestedEdits
class QuestionSuggestedEditsReversions(HistoryCompareDetailView):
template_name = 'app_faq/question_revisions.html'
context_object_name = 'question_suggested_edits'
model = QuestionSuggestedEdits
compare_fields = ('description', )
# def fallback_compare(self, obj_compare):
# value1, value2 = obj_compare.to_string()
# html = html_diff_custom(value1, value2)
# return html
def get_object(self):
return get_object_or_404(self.model, pk=self.kwargs['pk'])
def compare_ManyToOneRel(self, obj_compare):
change_info = obj_compare.get_m2o_change_info()
context = {'change_info': change_info}
return render_to_string('reversion-compare/question/compare_generic_many_to_many.html', context)
def compare_ManyToManyField(self, obj_compare):
change_info = obj_compare.get_m2m_change_info()
context = {'change_info': change_info}
return render_to_string('reversion-compare/question/compare_generic_many_to_many.html', context)
I still focusing on this reversion_compare/
, I just think maybe it can be handle with some logic here, but I still confusing what the best way to force as markdown syntax looks like
def html_diff(value1, value2, cleanup=SEMANTIC):
Generates a diff used google-diff-match-patch is exist or ndiff as fallback
The cleanup parameter can be SEMANTIC, EFFICIENCY or None to clean up the diff
for greater human readibility.
value1 = force_text(value1)
value2 = force_text(value2)
if dmp is not None:
# Generate the diff with google-diff-match-patch
# fallback: use built-in difflib
value1 = value1.splitlines()
value2 = value2.splitlines()
html = mark_safe(html)
return html
You use ? But i didn't see a MartorField
in your QuestionSuggestedEdits
e.g. if you have something like this:
from django.db import models
from martor.models import MartorField
class Post(models.Model):
description = MartorField()
Then you can do something like this:
class YourAdmin(CompareVersionAdmin):
def compare_description(self, obj_compare):
return "%r <-> %r" % (obj_compare.value1, obj_compare.value2)
In compare_description()
you have to get the markdown source and compare it. See: