
Cluster demo at the speed of enterprise(tm)...

Primary LanguagePython


Well, I needed a little thing to play with when messing with things like k8s or fly.io, so this is a flask app that returns the:

  • external + internal IP of the box (or container, depending on how you ran it)
  • the hostname of where it is
  • the current time
  • a fortune from the Alpine (openBSD) fortune package.

It's fun and easy to see what exact container I just made a request to. Okay? Is that okay?

No, it isn't.

Fine. clusterFriend is:

  • web scale (don't need to worry about keeping storage anywhere!)
  • https ready*
  • enterprise ready (gives fortunes in just megabytes of RAM! 50ms response time)
  • serverless

That's better. Linkedin is in the profile! /s

How do I use it?

Just do docker build . (or if you aren't somewhere with docker, pip install -r requirements.txt && cd clusterFriend && gunicorn -p 8080 app:app)

* you know, with nginx or traefik or caddy or whatever. I was keeping it simple, most k8s work I've done I use separate proxy stuff. and fly does it for you.