Focus groups are a type of market research that allows companies to ask people for their opinion on existing, potential or competitive products. Recruiters find normal people that qualify for these focus groups based on comprehensive questionaires called "screeners," and act as one of the many mediums between the companies and the people whose opinions they seek.
I haven't looked, but I'm assuming that there is no easy-to-use, intuitive software to help recruiters do their job, because this is a field that is fairly far removed from design. The hurdle of being a recruiter is having to deal with hundreds, if not thousands of people, and remember minutia about each one such as medical history to what car they drive to how many children they have, so that you can quickly and efficiently fill spots on a study with the best qualified people. You also have to keep track of which people you sent to which research facility, as there are strict rules on how often an individual can participate in these studies to prevent gaming the system. Needless to say, this is pretty hard.
I'm making this app for my mom, who somehow has managed to do this for years without any software at all.
Also, I want to learn Python and iOS development, and this is a good opportunity to do so.