
status summarizer from IRC

Primary LanguageJavaScriptISC LicenseISC

teamstatus is a status dashboard builder based on irc.

This code heavily borrows from Lloyd's ircloggr.

Software Prerequisites

  • node.js (0.6.x)
  • deps listed in package.json
  • a mysql/postgres database to connect to

Testing & Development

The web server

  1. Install node.js
  2. git clone this repository
  3. npm install
  4. install mysql, create a teamstatus database, grant all privs to teamstatus user
  5. PORT=8080 npm start

Visit in your browser

The logger daemon

  1. SERVERS=irc.freenode.net=teamstatus_test bin/teamstatus_log

Now log into irc.freenode.net #teamstatus_test and notice that your utterances are visible through the web view.


Now that you've got it running, deployment on any provider should be pretty straightforward. Here are steps to get up and running on heroku:

  • heroku create --stack cedar --buildpack http://github.com/hakobera/heroku-buildpack-nodejs.git // create a new app on heroku using node 0.6+
  • heroku addons:add cleardb:ignite // add a mysql database
  • heroku config:add IP_ADDRESS=
  • heroku config:add BOT_NAME=my_teamstatus_bot
  • git push heroku master

you should be running! now let's configure a room and the daemon

  • heroku config:add SERVERS=irc.freenode.net=teamstatus_testroom $ heroku scale web=1 worker=1