
Bikeramp Rails API. Helps you track your rides during delivery of packages, helps you control your expenses

Primary LanguageRuby




It helps you track your rides during delivery of packages: how many kilometers you rode on each day and how much customer paid for delivery. The app will help you to control your work.

Technology stack

Technology Version
Ruby 2.5.1
Rails 5.2.1
PostgreSQL 10.5
Grape 1.1.0

Project Setup

1. Install dependencies

bundle install

2. Setup the database

Create the database and populate it with with sample records

rails db:setup


POST /api/trips
GET /api/trips
PATCH /api/trips/:id
DELETE /api/trips/:id

POST /api/auth
POST /api/login

PATCH /api/users/:id
GET /api/users/:id

GET /api/stats/current_week
GET /api/stats/current_month
GET /api/stats/weekly
GET /api/stats/monthly

POST /api/invoices