
an unofficial TopTracker CLI helper

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


an unofficial TopTracker CLI helper


TopTracker is great time tracking tool, but when it comes to making polls, reports etc. I find CLI tools much more productive then clicking around web page.

The idea went from simple question: how much hours I've worked i.e this week ?

With TopTracker web page, to know such information I had to: login to web page, click on date range, export activities to csv, open spreadsheet software and import this csv, and then sum. With this tool I can just:

totra how_much_hours --workers="Andrzej Bargański" --from=Monday -l my@login.com -p mypassword

...and in second I see the answer !


Notice: Application is still in planning stage. Commands, options etc. can change, and every TopTracker user is invited to post thoughts, wishes and participate in development.

   totra activities [--format=<format>] [--projects=<projects>] [--workers=<workers>] --from=<from_date> [--to=<to_date>] [-l login] [-p password] [-o output_filename]
   totra how_much_hours [--projects=<projects>] [--workers=<workers>] --from=<from_date> [--to=<to_date>] [-l login] [-p password]
   totra -h | --help
   totra --version
   activities                Output activities in --format.
   how_much_hours            Shows how much work hours are registered according to given parameters.
   --format=<format>         Output format. Can be: json, excel. [default: json]
   --projects=<projects>     Projects names as coma separated list. Ex. 'Project 1' or 'Project 1,Project 2'
   --workers=<workers>       Workers as coma seprated list. Ex. 'Worker Name' or 'Worker Name 1, Worker Name 2'
   --from=<from_date>        Date as beginning of period for data retrieval. Format is: YYYY-mm-dd , ex: 2018-05-01
   --to=<to_date>            Date as end of period for data retrieval. Format is: YYYY-mm-dd , ex: 2018-05-01. [default: now].
   -o output_filename        Output filename to write data. Default is stdout (print on your screen) [default: stdout]
   -h --help                 Show this screen.
   --version                 Show version.
   -l login                  User login name.
   -p password               User password.


First if you missing Python 3.6 on your system, install it from here.

Then execute on command line :

pip install totra