Server API Template

This is our CodePath template for giving people an easy way to create RESTful JSON APIs to power their applications.



This project is using several libraries and frameworks:



Make sure you have Ruby 1.9.3 and Git installed. Type into the terminal:

$ ruby -v

Then type into the terminal:

$ git --version

Verify you see "ruby 1.9.3pXXX" (where the XXX can be any number). If not then download and run RailsInstaller in order to get Ruby.

If you get an error of "no git command", then download and run RailsInstaller in order to get git.


The first step is to register a github account (if you don't have one yet) which allows you to store your code for free on the github servers.

You probably need to upload your ssh key to Github in order to get or push repositories:

$ pbcopy < ~/.ssh/

If that command fails with a file not found, run $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" to generate your SSH key.

Next, go to your ssh keys and paste the contents of your clipboard.

Fork and Clone

Now we need to fork this repository to your own account at You can do that by clicking "Fork" on the top right.

Next, you want to clone your version of this repository locally:

$ git clone

Note: Be sure to replace myusername with your own bitbucket username above.


Run the task to install dependencies:

$ bundle

When this is finished, let's prepare this as a new git repository (for storing code):

$ rm -rf .git
$ git init
$ git commit -am "initial commit of my app"
$ git remote add origin
$ git push origin master --force

Note: Be sure to replace myusername with your own bitbucket username above for remote.

Now setup your local database for use on your computer:

$ rake db:migrate db:test:prepare


Once you are setup, be sure to start your Rails application:

$ rails server

This starts your API application at http://localhost:3000 so you can try it locally. Try going to http://localhost:3000/api/v1/sessions.

Building APIs

Define User Stories

Always start by defining user stories of what the user can do in your app. For example, with twitter, you can:

  • Register an account
  • Post a tweet
  • See my tweets home timeline
  • Follow a user

Define Schema

Next, define a schema based on resources.

  • Identify resources in your application (i.e user, tweets, favorites)
  • Identify attributes of each resource (i.e a tweet has a body, timestamp)
  • Identify the "associations" for each resource (i.e a tweet has a user_id)

For example with twitter, you have a user resource and a tweets resource and a tweet "belongs to" a user. A user has an email and a password and a tweet has a body and a timestamp.

Create Models

Models are the way that a Rails application stores data for your application resources. On a high level:

  • Use rails g model <NAME> to generate models for each resource
    • rails g model Tweet
  • Fill out the "db/migrate/xxxxx" file for each model
  • Fill out associations for each model (i.e belongs_to :user)
  • Fill out any validations for each model (i.e validates :body, :presence => true)

For example, imagine we want to create a "Tweet" resource that has a status and is created by a user. First, we would generate the tweet resource:

$ rails g model tweet body:string user_id:integer

This will generate a file in db/migrate/xxxxxx_create_tweets.rb that defines the fields for the tweet (right now just a body and a number representing the user).

Now we can run the migrations with rake db:migrate and then check out our model file at app/models/tweet.rb. Models are blank by default and often don't need any additional code. The fields (body and user_id) will work automatically.

We can now create, update or destroy tweets from within our APIs:

# create
tweet = Tweet.create(:body => "foo", :user_id => 1)
# update
tweet.update_attribute(:body, "bar")
# find
my_tweet = Tweet.where(:body => "bar").first
# delete

Once we have our models, we can build the related API endpoints so our client mobile applications can modify the resources.

Build Grape Resources

In Grape, APIs are defined in terms of "resources" which are different nouns within your application. An 'endpoint' is a URL that creates, updates, returns or deletes resource data. For example, creating a new tweet, returning a list of tweets, deleting a tweet, et al. On a high level, APIs are defined through:

  • Editing app/api/endpoints for various resource endpoint files
  • Add resource declarations into grape endpoint files
  • Write the endpoint code for each resource API

An API endpoint lives inside of app/api/endpoints/someresource.rb where "someresource" is the noun being affected by the API. For instance, the API endpoint for registering a new user lives in app/api/endpoints/users.rb and is described by the following:

resource :users do
  desc "Register a new user"
  params do
    requires :email, type: String, desc: "email for user"
    requires :password, type: String, desc: "password for user"
  post do
    @user =, :password))
      status 201
    else # user didn't save
      error!({ :error => "user could not be registered", :details => @user.errors }, 400)

Notice that there are three main parts: description (desc) for describing the purpose, params for specifying required parameters for the API request and then the API code which starts with an HTTP request method such as get, post, put, or delete.

Be sure to check out the quick reference for better notes on how to select a request method and/or response status codes.

API endpoints are defined in terms of other resources (tweets, trips, appointments, etc) based on the APIs and models in your application.

For example, a tweets endpoint for creating (POST) a new tweet would live in app/api/endpoints/tweets.rb and look like this:

resource :tweets do
  desc "Create a new tweet"
  params do
    requires :body, type: String, desc: "body for tweet"
    requires :user_id, type: String, desc: "user for tweet"
  post do
    @tweet =, :user_id))
      status 201
    else # user didn't save
      error!({ :error => "tweet could not be created", :details => @tweet.errors }, 400)

and a method for getting (GET) all tweets for a user might look like:

resource :tweets do
  desc "Gets a user's tweets"
  params do
    requires :user_id, type: String, desc: "user for tweet"
  get do
    @tweets = Tweet.where(:user_id => params[:user_id])

You simply need to identify the resources for you application, what actions can be taken on them (create, read, update or delete) and then implement the endpoints accordingly.

Other Tasks

Here's a list of a few other todos:

  • In "config/initializers/configure_api.rb" configure the username / password for your authenticated APIs
  • In "app/api/api_router.rb" uncomment lines to create basic authenticated endpoints.
  • In "config/environments/production.rb" fill in the real domain for your application
  • In "config/initializers/airbrake.rb" fill in the token for your free airbrake account (for error reporting)

Quick Reference

Key files

Key files to edit:

  • "app/api/endpoints/*" - Adding endpoints and APIs
  • "db/migrate" - Defining the model attributes in the database
  • "app/models" - Defining any additional model information
  • "test/api" - Defining tests for your APIs (if needed)

Key URLs

Few URLs to note (once rails server is running):

  • "/api/sessions" - Simple endpoint that returns text
  • "/rails/routes" - See a list of common rails routes
  • "/users/sign_in" - Login (or register) a user
  • "/admin" - Admin panel for viewing database content

Request Methods

As a rule of thumb, the request method to pick is as follows:

Method Description Example
get For returning resources from read-only endpoint Get user tweets
post For creating new resources Create new tweet
put For updating an existing resource Editing a user's password
delete For deleting a resource Trashing a tweet

Response Status Codes

Another thing to notice is API response status codes, as a rule of thumb:

Status Description Example
200 Success Retrieved list of user tweets
201 Created Create new tweet
400 Bad request Invalid email for registration
401 Unauthorized No permission or not logged in
500 Error Exception happened on server


The easiest way to deploy your APIs is to use Heroku.

Register for an account

First, register yourself a (free) Heroku account at This is your developer account that can contain any number of free applications.

Create app

Run the following command in the terminal to create your app:

$ gem install heroku
$ heroku login
$ heroku create myappname

Note: Be sure to replace myappname with your own application name above.

Be sure to enter your username and password as defined when you created your Heroku account earlier.

Deploy App

Next it is time to deploy your application:

$ git push heroku master

You may need to type 'yes' when it asks if you want to continue. At this point you should see Heroku deploying your application to the internet:

Warning: Permanently added the RSA host key for IP address '' to the list of known hosts.
Counting objects: 206, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (184/184), done.
Writing objects: 100% (206/206), 53.24 KiB, done.
Total 206 (delta 70), reused 0 (delta 0)

-----> Ruby/Rails app detected
-----> Installing dependencies using Bundler version 1.3.2

Wait while this command sets up your application on their servers. Once this is finished, it is time to setup our application on their servers:

Verify App

Now you can open the url to your app with:

$ heroku open

and now you can visit /api/vi/sessions in your browser to confirm this app is running if you see:

"This is a sign that the API endpoints are configured"

Wrapping Up

At this point you have a deployed API application. If you make changes to your app, simply run:

$ git add .
$ git commit -am "describe my changes here"
$ git push heroku master

and the updated code will be pushed to Heroku accordingly.