
Designed an effective Employee Management System that can be accessed only by authorized personal and focuses on the acquisition, scheduling, handling and organizing employees at the conference center.


The main objective of this project is to design an effective Employee Management System that can be accessed only by authorized personal and focuses on the acquisition, scheduling, handling and organizing employees at the conference center. It helps in efficiently conducting events on daily basis with the help of employees from different areas right from managers to maintenance and support staff. The prototype developed for this system shall facilitate the process of scheduling the right employee for the right job at the right time to ensure proper flow of control and smooth administration.

This project follows Agile scrum process model or methodology for the development of the project. This scrum model uses a product backlog, a prioritized list of high-level requirements written as User Stories. At the start of a sprint, many user stories are selected and put into the Sprint Backlog. These stories are the features that will be implemented during the sprint. For each user story different phases are traversed: requirements, Use case analysis, System Model, Data Model, User Interface Design implementation and testing. Each sprint a duration. After the sprints, the product must be delivered to the customer.

My responsibilities: • Functioned using an Agile Scrum methodology to design a Database Structure and a Prototype for an Employee Management System, for our clients being the officials of Mozingo Lake Recreation Park, City of Maryville, MO • Gathered requirements during the inception phase; documented and delivered, the system and project management documents • Assisted in managing the product and sprint backlogs; also aided to develop the System and Data model • Designed the wireframes or prototype screens for the system; helped the client with design walkthrough • Rendered Team and Project Management skills by applying theoretical knowledge into practice while working for real-time clients

Tools used: JustInMind